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Patrick Charles Miles
HMM-262, MAG-39, 1ST MAW, III MAF United States Marine Corps Saginaw, Michigan October 04, 1947 to August 19, 1968 PATRICK C MILES is on the Wall at Panel W47, Line 1 See the full profile or name rubbing for Patrick Miles |
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You were my best friend, -- my husband, -- my Marine, -- my soul mate. We met at age fourteen, dated through high school and married at nineteen. We lived together as husband and wife only for a short time, but have a life time of good memories. I remember when we were fourteen and the first time you came to meet my family. You were short, a little over weight but had a huge smile, a great sense of humor and a heart of gold. By age sixteen you had grown taller, lost weight and turned into my Prince Charming. You taught me about football, how to shoot pool, and racing. You were a man's man, but had a high respect for your mother and me. We married four days before you left for Marine Corps recruit training. You loved the Marine Corps and your pride for the Corps was passed on to me and everyone that knew you. Thirty three years later I am still a very proud Marine wife. I remember the time that I told a Colonel at the Memphis base PX that he looked like a shit bird for not having his cover and utilities starched or his boots shined. You thought you were going to the brig but instead you were told you were going to make a great Marine with a wife that proud. The colonel was right! You left for Vietnam after a little over a year in the Corps and were assigned to HMM-262, a CH-46 Sea Knight Squadron in Quang Tri.
You were part of a line crew and aerial gunner. You loved to fly and do your job. You volunteered for this duty. On August 19, 1968 you were on a mission to pick up men and wounded in the DMZ near Con Thien. You were shot down and killed along with fellow crew members Corporal Terry Hoffman and Corporal John Hutchinson. Thirty three years later on July 21, 2001 in Washington D.C. at the Vietnam Memorial Wall, your proud Squadron rendered special memorial honors to you and all others who died in Vietnam. Next of kin were also honored and I again felt honored and proud. A special flight of two CH-46's flew in formation over the Vietnam Memorial ... A very proud moment for all. There is not a day that has gone by that I don't think of you, -- your wonderful smile, how you looked in your uniform, standing tall and proud. You are my Marine, -- my soul mate. That will never change. Semper Fi, Corporal Patrick Miles, United States Marine Corps.
I was a member of Echo 2/1 that was to be picked up by Corporal Miles' chopper on 8/19/68 ... We recovered his body and kept him with us until we were evacuated. May God continue to bless you ... Semper Fi
From a grateful Marine, |
I was navigating this website for the first time. I picked a panel at random, picked a line, and here I am. At a memorial for a true hero. And, I see he is from my home town. Coincidence? I doubt it. Jane Miles Unger, I thank you for all the sacrifices you have made in support of your husband. May God be with you, and comfort you during your time here without him. It is because of my freedom, he will never be fogotten.
Rick Gifford |
Notes from The Virtual WallCorporal Miles was a crewman aboard CH-46A BuNo 152566 which was number two in a flight of 23 aircraft directed to extract a Marine battalion which was under fire by heavy artillery positioned north of the DMZ.As the flight approached the landing zone, the lead aircraft was shot down. Number two diverted the remaining aircraft while maneuvering to pick up the downed crew. As 152566 approached the downed aircraft it was hit in flight by a heavy artillery shell. Although the two pilots were thrown clear and survived, the three crewmen in the main cabin were killed. The bodies of Corporals Patrick Miles and John Hutchinson were recovered at the time, but Corporal Hoffman could not be found and it was assumed that his body had been destroyed in the burning wreckage. In 1994 the remains of Cpl Hoffman were identified, nearly 26 years after the incident. He was buried with full military honors, his family and many veterans present, on 4 July 1994.
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