Dennis Michael Mead
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
South Bend, Indiana
March 02, 1949 to March 06, 1968
DENNIS M MEAD is on the Wall at Panel 43E, Line 26
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dennis Mead

Combat Action Ribbon

07 Dec 2007

I remember your house on Detroit Street, the the bumper pool table in the basement, playing with you when we came to visit.

I remember when you joined the Corps instead of going to college.

I remember hearing of a place called Khe Sanh, and that was where they sent you. Then you got wounded, and the plane returning you from the hospital got shot down.

I saw your picture on the wall at the recruiter's office with all the other Marines they had signed up, but said nothing to them about who you were. When I told Mom I was joining the Corps, she said, "Oh, No! Not the Marines, Why?" Her voice broke and she started to cry. "Why the Marines?" I didn't mention you, but just said, "It's something I got to do."

I remember thinking about you at San Diego. Did they issue me the same rifle? Did you drink from this canteen? Which one of these cages did you live in?

I remember your Grandmother's funeral, and your dad saw my uniform, and said, "You're a Lance Corporal. That's what Dennis was waiting for." I visited with your mom and we talked about you, she was convinced you would come back.

I remembered you when the birds would get loaded up and roll out on their missions.

I remembered you every time I was in your mom's presence, but didn't want to mention you, she still grieves to this day.

I remember you still, you did a good thing. Your life was cut much too short. I miss you, I wish I could swap stories with you, maybe even I could beat you at bumper pool for once.

Semper Fi! my cousin, my brother in the Corps!

From a cousin,
Al Currie


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 06 March 1968 a C-123 from the 311th ACS crashed after being hit by enemy fire while making a troop lift into the Khe Sanh combat base. Pfc Dennis Mead was one of the men aboard the aircraft. A description of the incident and the names of those who died in the crash can be found on The Virtual Wall's

C-123 Down Memorial

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