James Henry Mc Lean
Master Sergeant
Army of the United States
Los Angeles, California
June 16, 1944 to September 18, 1978
(Incident Date February 09, 1965)
JAMES H McLEAN is on the Wall at Panel 1E, Line 87
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Mc Lean




MAC-V Advisory Team 88, serving with a South Vietnamese Regional Forces unit at Duc Phong, Phuoc Long Province, RVN, consisted of four men:
  • Captain Carlton J Holland;
  • SSG Emmett J Bryant;
  • SP4 James H McLean; and
  • PFC John W Malapelli
At about midnight on 9 February 1965, Duc Phong came under attack and was seized by the Viet Cong.

The following day, an ARVN unit was inserted into the area, and learned that an American had been observed being held captive in the vicinity of Duc Phong. By mid-afternoon on 10 February, the ARVN unit had recaptured the camp and recovered the remains of 3 American advisors - Holland, Bryant, and Macapelli. It thus appeared the captured American was McLean.

Several South Vietnamese POWs subsequently escaped or were released later reported that SP4 McLean had been captured uninjured and was being detained in camps in northern Phuoc Long Province. In August 1966 a Montanard who escaped in May/early June 1966 stated he met McLean and was given the duty of caring for him. McLean was ill with diarrhea and malaria. The Montanard was in the camp with McLean for about two months. The last possible sighting of McLean was on 20 Oct 1966 when an ARVN intelligence agent reported that he saw an American POW in a VC camp.

On 18 September 1978 a presumptive finding of death was issued for McLean.

The original memorial is located at

Visit John Dennison's
Medics on the Wall
memorial which lists 2,026 Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

A memorial from another Field Medic,
Kerry Pardue
3226 N Sycamore Pl, Chandler, Az 85224
4 Sep 2001

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