David Reay Malins
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Las Cruces, New Mexico
May 17, 1947 to October 05, 1967
DAVID R MALINS is on the Wall at Panel 27E, Line 54
See the full profile or name rubbing for David Malins

Combat Action Ribbon
David R Malins
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 7thmarines.gif

20 Aug 2007

David was a classmate. He had a twin brother who was also in the Marine Corps. I wanted him to be remembered.

From a friend,
Ron Taylor


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 2nd Bn, 7th Marines' Operations Log for 05 Oct 1967 contains the following entry:
"051120H [11:20 am, 05 Oct] - 7E6 [Company Commander, Echo Company, 7th Marines] and security team were going north to Hai Van Pass when they were ambushed. Ambush was initiated by a 250-pound bomb, B-40 rocket, with automatic weapons, AK-47, light machinegun, and possibly a BAR. 7th Engineer sweep team and bridge security 8A came to aid of 7E6 - firing 250 [rounds] M16 and 10 M79. VC broke contact. Med-evac was called for 5 KIA and 7 WIA. After medevac was completed, air strike was called in - negative results. 5 USMC KIA, 4 from E Co, 1 from 1st Engr Bn. 7 WIA - 3 from E Co, 3 from 1st Engr Bn, and 1 ARVN."

The five Marines who were killed in the engagement were

  • C Co, 1st Engineer Bn
    • LCpl John T. Wertman, Cumberland, MD

  • E Co, 2nd Bn, 7th Marines
    • Capt Lyle A. Johnson, Great Falls, MT, Company Commander
    • LCpl Harold C. Doss, Gretna, LA
    • LCpl William E. Rees, Anamosa, IA
    • Pfc David R. Malins, Las Cruces, NM

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