Eugene Jehlen Majure
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Pascagoula, Mississippi
August 06, 1937 to August 18, 1966
EUGENE J MAJURE is on the Wall at Panel 10E, Line 17
See the full profile or name rubbing for Eugene Majure

Eugene J Majure
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09 Feb 1999

The same as always ...

My father, my hero,
who died when I was 10 months old.

If it were not for your courage and strength, my freedom, as well as the freedom of our country, might be jeopardized. You are the strongest man I never knew.

I now understand so many things about you.

I love you.

05 November 2001

First Lieutenant Eugene Majure was a Green Beret in every sense of the word. The day he was killed he was on a Bomb Damage Assessment mission, surrounded by CIDG troops, many of whom were actually Viet Cong. This was the way he lived every day in Vietnam in his outpost, never knowing who was friend or who was the enemy, but he never showed fear.

Eugene was respected and liked by all those Special Forces soldiers who he served with in combat - including me.

Major Lance Brewer
US Army (Retired)

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