George William Mainardy
United States Air Force
Rockville, New York
October 17, 1950 to April 15, 1972
GEORGE W MAINARDY is on the Wall at Panel W2, Line 137
See the full profile or name rubbing for George Mainardy

George W Mainardy
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12 Oct 2005


I was looking at The Virtual Wall and I didn't see your name memorialized. Everyone deserves to be remembered. We were there together and you made me laugh. You volunteered to be a "Sky Cop". You didn't have to be one. You extended and you didn't have to extend. We could have sat out the war in WCS but we wanted to do more. I remember when I left and they replaced me with some kid named Reese. You started right away calling him "PeeWee" because you were from New York. You used to sing crazy words to the song "Jesus Christ Superstar". You were a good troop and I cried when I heard you got killed in a rocket attack. I've visited the Wall and I saw your name. I told my kids about you. I will always remember you.

I wish I was there when you died so someone could have held you that knew you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.

You will be remembered all the days of my life. You were a friend. God Bless!

Col Jim Coleman
Another former "Sky Cop"
366th TFW DANANG 70-71-72

05 Jan 2007

I also was there with George and Jim Coleman. George was a skinny (we were all skinny in those days) funny NY guy who was very gung-ho about his Augmentee (Skycop) duties. He was a nice guy and MUCH too young to pay that price. Jim Coleman was/is a born leader and has people skills superior to anyone I've met since. We use to blast "The Fish Cheer" on a tape recorder in the barracks during rocket attacks. I lived down the hall from Jim and George. A year we'll never forget.

From a friend,
(SSgt) Jim Duffy

12 Nov 2007

My brother.

Barbara Mainardy-Fifer

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