Carlos James Lozada
Private First Class
Army of the United States
New York, New York
September 06, 1946 to November 20, 1967
CARLOS J LOZADA is on the Wall at Panel 30E, Line 45
See the full profile or name rubbing for Carlos Lozada

Carlos J Lozada
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Carlos J Lozada


Carlos J Lozada


Carlos J Lozada


The President of the United States of America,
authorized by Act of Congress, March 3, 1863,
has awarded in the name of the Congress the

Medal of Honor

posthumously to

Private First Class Carlos J. Lozada
United States Army

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty:
PFC Lozada, U.S. Army, distinguished himself at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in the battle of Dak To. While serving as a machine gunner with 1st platoon, Company A, PFC Lozada was part of a 4-man early warning outpost, located 35 meters from his company's lines. At 1400 hours a North Vietnamese Army company rapidly approached the outpost along a well defined trail. PFC Lozada alerted his comrades and commenced firing at the enemy who were within 10 meters of the outpost. His heavy and accurate machinegun fire killed at least 20 North Vietnamese soldiers and completely disrupted their initial attack. PFC Lozada remained in an exposed position and continued to pour deadly fire upon the enemy despite the urgent pleas of his comrades to withdraw. The enemy continued their assault, attempting to envelop the outpost. At the same time enemy forces launched a heavy attack on the forward west flank of Company A with the intent to cut them off from their battalion. Company A was given the order to withdraw. PFC Lozada apparently realized that if he abandoned his position there would be nothing to hold back the surging North Vietnamese soldiers and that the entire company withdrawal would be jeopardized. He called for his comrades to move back and that he would stay and provide cover for them. He made this decision realizing that the enemy was converging on 3 sides of his position and only meters away, and a delay in withdrawal meant almost certain death. PFC Lozada continued to deliver a heavy, accurate volume of suppressive fire against the enemy until he was mortally wounded and had to be carried during the withdrawal. His heroic deed served as an example and an inspiration to his comrades throughout the ensuing 4-day battle. PFC Lozada's actions are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

PFC Carlos J Lozada died in the bitter fighting for Hill 875. Two Medals of Honor, three Distinguished Service Crosses, and numerous Silver and Bronze Stars were awarded the men who fought there between 19 and 23 November 1967 - but at least 127 Americans died there as well, with hundreds more wounded.

A summary of the battle and a listing of the men killed
during the fighting may be found on The Virtual Wall's
Hill 875 Memorial

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