Paulino Gutierrez Lopez
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Midland, Texas
June 22, 1944 to July 22, 1967
PAULINO G LOPEZ is on the Wall at Panel 23E, Line 106
See the full profile or name rubbing for Paulino Lopez

Paulino G Lopez
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26 Nov 2002

"To live in the hearts we leave behind,
is never to have died."
(Thomas Campbell, circa 1888)

His son was born the day his body returned to the States.

From a cousin,
Paula Chavez

14 Jul 2004

To my brother from your sister Micaela Palma Barrera, known to him as Mickie ... I was a little girl, but I remember you like it was yesterday, when you would take me to school, and I spent a lot of time with you and your new wife at the time. I miss you a lot, wish you were still with us ... But I know one day we will be together again.

Love you,
Your little sis,

Micaela "Mickie" Palma Barrera

23 Aug 2004

LopezPG01d.jpg MEDALS FOR LOPEZ - Mrs. Paul G. Lopez receives the Bronze Star and Purple Heart Medals in behalf of her husband who was killed last July in Vietnam. Capt. Clinton Morgan, assistant inspector-general of the 36th Infantry Brigade of the Texas National Guard, made the presentation Saturday at the Midland National Guard Armory here.

Awards Presented To Vietnam War Hero's Widow

Pfc. Paul Guiterrez Lopez was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart in ceremonies held at the Midland National Guard Armory Saturday.

Capt. Clinton Morgan, assistant inspector-general, 36th Infantry Brigade, Texas National Guard, presented the medals to his widow, Mrs. Elpida Lopez.

The 22-year-old soldier was killed July 22 in Vietnam by sniper fire while securing a road crossing. He had been in Vietnam about five months at the time of his death. Mrs. Lopez was in Midland Memorial Hospital when the body of her husband arrived in Midland, giving birth to the couple's only child, Paul Thomas Lopez, on July 28.

The Midland Reporter-Telegram, Sunday 24 Sep 1967
Photo and text © 1967
Reproduced under 17 USC ï¿ 1/2 107

Courtesy of the
Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans' Memorial

Billy M. Brown
Odessa, Texas

26 Aug 2004

You were an inspiration to all that knew you here in the small town of Midland, Texas. Still to this day I hear stories of how you helped or changed a person's life by the goodness of your heart. I know that had you lived longer it would have made a difference in a lot of lives. You always found time for us, your younger siblings. My very first time away from our sheltered neighborhood you took me to a movie ("Lady and the Tramp"), which I will never forget. I am a grandmother of 7 now and have many stories to tell my grandchildren about you and what a wonderful person you were. It still hurts as if it was yesterday every time I think about losing you. When Mickie our younger sister and Stevie the grandson mom raised needed somthing you were there for them also. I remember you taking them to buy shoes and clothes for school. Now I have a better understanding of the person you were because a young boy caring like that for others truly made you a special gift from God. You will always be missed in our lives. We will always Love You.

From his sister,
Judy L. Ochoa
1905 W. County Rd. 137, Midland Tx

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