Witold John Leszczynski
Private First Class
Army of the United States
New York, New York
March 16, 1948 to November 19, 1967
WITOLD J LESZCZYNSKI is on the Wall at Panel 30E, Line 29
See the full profile or name rubbing for Witold Leszczynski

Witold J Leszczynski
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29 May 2006

Witold "Vito" Leszczynski, the best friend I ever had. We met in 1962 when my parents moved us to East 19th Street in Brooklyn and were best of friends for the next 5 years. We had so many firsts together in our young lives, too numerous to mention. Vito was so proud of enlisting in the Army. He was a hero to many of us in the neighborhood. He would have been my best man at my wedding and my daughter's godfather had he survived, that's how close we were. I will never forget him and hope to meet up with him up there when my days here are through.

From a friend,
Richard "richie" Adam
Lutz, Florida


A Note from The Virtual Wall

PFC Leszczynski died in the bitter fighting for Hill 875. Two Medals of Honor, three Distinguished Service Crosses, and numerous Silver and Bronze Stars were awarded the men who fought there between 19 and 23 November 1967 - but at least 131 Americans died there as well, with hundreds more wounded.

A summary of the battle and a listing of the men who died
during the fighting may be found on The Virtual Wall's
Hill 875 Memorial

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