Verlon Donald King, Jr
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Dewey, Oklahoma
November 18, 1947 to August 26, 1969
VERLON D KING Jr is on the Wall at Panel W19, Line 120
See the full profile or name rubbing for Verlon King


22 Jun 2006

Donnie, what a sad day it was for all of us who loved you. It never entered our young minds that you would be killed within two months of your active duty.

Your sister Sue Ellen and I were such close friends and we had just talked about losing a loved one the week before you were killed.

When your family was contacted about you being killed in action I was the first person your little sister called. Sue knew how much in love I had been with you when I was in 6th grade. You would still be at school practicing your sports and I would sneak into your closet and wear your junior high letter sweater. I thought I was really something. Sue would hear you coming in the back door and she would run through the house yelling, "Donnie is home, take off the sweater, quick!" Then you would wander in and say Hi to us and we would run off to play.

I know you served your country proud.

We all miss you and know that when we enter Heaven's Gate you will be waiting to help us cross over. Do you think it would be okay now if I wear your letter sweater? Gosh, just for old time sakes?

From a friend,
Cathy Corbin

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