William Donald Jinks
United States Marine Corps
Bay City, Texas
July 16, 1945 to May 19, 1967
WILLIAM D JINKS is on the Wall at Panel 20E, Line 45
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Jinks

Combat Action Ribbon

Memorial Day 2003


We wrote to each other before we actually met in 1964 at Glorieta Baptist Seminary near Santa Fe, New Mexico. We were two young college students among many. We had such a good time that summer.

We continued to write and you came to visit me from Texas. You asked if I could spend the last weekend with you, your brother and his family in Southern California. We had a fun-filled weekend visiting the theme parks, the ocean, and just being a young, healthy, vital group of innocent younsters. It was the last time any of us saw you.

I think of you often; especially each and every Memorial Day. I miss you, and even though I have lost contact with your siblings and your parents, I know they miss you.

You were a good man, and a dynamic individual that everyone liked and respected. My heart and prayers are with you today, and always.

Connie (Long) Phelps

10 Dec 2006

I was at Gio Linh with LCpl Jinks for only a short while, however I was immediately impressed by him. He was brought there by Major Al Grey, who later went on to be the Commandant. I could see why he wanted him, because he was one fine Marine. He impressed us all with his enthusiasm, energy and courage in face of some really bad stuff. I feel honored to have known him.

From a fellow Marine,
Jim Jerrell
First Sergeant, USMC (Ret)

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