Andrew Michael Hovancik, Jr
United States Marine Corps
New Brighton, Pennsylvania
September 28, 1946 to July 16, 1967
ANDREW M HOVANCIK Jr is on the Wall at Panel 23E, Line 80
See the full profile or name rubbing for Andrew Hovancik

Combat Action Ribbon

24 Jul 2008

I wasn't with Andy when he was killed in action, he was in "H" Company and I was in "E" Company 2/4, but we had been together for over 15 months in Echo 2/6 back in Camp Lejeune. Andy was my Fire Team Leader back then and he taught me everything about being a "grunt" and more importantly a Marine. We were forever jabbing at each other about where we grew up, he was from New Brighton, PA and I was from Harlem, New York City. It was a heck of a Fire Team: Andy, Boswell, Fedasch and me. Not a day went by when we didn't pull some kind of a stunt on somebody in the Platoon or even ourselves. We had a great time on Med Cruise 2-66 and in all the liberty ports. Andy was one squared-away Marine and we never failed any inspection given. Andy loved to wrestle and his matches with Boswell were epics.

Upon our return from the Mediterranean Cruise we all got orders for WESTPAC and we parted, with the promise to keep in touch. Assignment in Vietnam kept that from happening as we all went to different units. I saw Andy only one time in Vietnam, but it was for no more than a minute as we were both going out. I miss Andy, his leadership, friendship and even his hometown comparisions. His lessons in survival got me through Vietnam and I will always owe him a tremendous debt of gratitude. Semper Fi, my brother!

From a fellow Marine,
Sgt Raphael J. Pantoja


A Note from The Virtual Wall

From 10 July onward the 2nd Bn, 4th Marines were engaged in Operation FREMONT, conducted in southeastern Quang Tri Province. The 3rd Marine Division's Op FREMONT Situation Report #29 contains the following text referring to an incident at 8:05 pm, 16 July:
"SIGNIFICANT EVENTS: Late Entry. At 2005H H/2/4 received three rounds incoming mortar fire. Counter mortar mission was fired with no further incoming reported. Resulted in one KIA and two WIA. One WIA was medevaced."
Sergeant Hovancik was killed in the mortar attack. Although the SITREP doesn't give a UTM grid location, Hotel 2/4 was operating in the vicinity of Camp Evans at the time.

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