Carlton Harvey Hood
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Barnesville, Georgia
January 11, 1949 to May 27, 1968
CARLTON H HOOD is on the Wall at Panel W65, Line 10
See the full profile or name rubbing for Carlton Hood

Combat Action Ribbon
Carlton H Hood
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29 May 2007

Carlton was the oldest of three children and had a younger brother and sister. He was the oldest cousin in the family, and his wild sense of humor made him the family favorite. We all loved him dearly, and miss him still after all these years. He loved horses, and he never met one he could not ride. I don't doubt he would have had a home in the country with lots of horses if he would have come home from the war.

Carlton loved his country, too. He went willingly into the Marines and to war, even though he was afraid at times. His letters showed a young boy who becme a man before his death on that day during Operation Allen Brooke in 1968. I am still very proud of my big brother!

From his sister,
Donna Hood Abbott
114 Brent Road, Barnesville, Ga

24 May 2008

Carlton was my cousin and my hero. It will be 40 years next week since he was killed. I have so many memories of riding horses with him, and I have sent a picture of him with his quarterhorse Cricket. He was a wonderful combination of boy and man, lots of fun yet wise beyond his years. Like I said, he was my hero, and I miss my Bubba. After 40 years, I still cry every Memorial Day for the man he never got to be.

Wanda Senn Rummel
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Operation ALLEN BROOK was aimed at rooting out the NVA and VC infrastructure on Go Noi Island, an inland island southwest of Danang formed by several large rivers. On 27 May 1968 the 3rd Bn, 5th Marines lost four men in two engagements near Ky Lam hamlet:
  • Cpl Melvin R. Simpson, Houston, TX, Lima 3/5
  • LCpl Timothy P. McGuire, Deerfield, IL, Kilo 3/5
  • LCpl Carlton H. Hood, Barnesville, GA, Lima 3/5
  • Pfc Bradley Bowling, De Mossville, KY, Lima 3/5

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