James Philip Hickey
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Quincy, Massachusetts
June 03, 1949 to May 27, 1969
JAMES P HICKEY is on the Wall at Panel W23, Line 2
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James P Hickey
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21 Jun 2006

James Philip Hickey was part of my teenage years. His sister Chris and I were friends. The Hickey house door was always open and a beehive of activity. Irish as the grass is green. I remember being there around the TV and everyone getting hungry. Burger King was up the street. Who could con the other one in getting up and getting the burgers and fries? Jimmy was a good kid, like all the Hickeys. His mother and father were hard workers. I loved that family. About six months before Jimmy was killed, my cousin Larry was also killed in Vietman. But there was nothing anybody could do to console the Hickeys. Jimmy was fun loving and caring. He made me laugh. We all went our separate ways in life, but the memories are still there to this day. Very grateful to have Jimmy and his family in my life. I believe his picture was in Life Magazine dated June 27, 1969 pp 20-23. Panel on Wall is 38W-Row052. Start of tour Jan.7, 1969. Killed by hostile, artillery, rocket, mortar. Considered ground casualty. South Vietnam, Quang Nam Province. May 27, 1969.

Love, Dottie (a friend)

Dorothy H. Anderson


A Note from The Virtual Wall

"A" Battery, 1/13 Marines, lost three men to enemy fire on 27 May 1969:
  • Cpl Albert J. Cartledge, Dallas, TX;
  • Pfc James P. Hickey, Quincy, MA; and
  • Pvt Gail G. Sanderson, Anthon, IA.
Ms. Anderson is correct about Pfc Hickey's photo appearing in LIFE magazine; the photo above is from "Vietnam: One Week's Dead", LIFE Magazine Vol. 66, No. 25, June 27, 1969.

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