Harold Michael Hambrick
Army of the United States
Los Angeles, California
December 13, 1917 to October 10, 1965
HAROLD M HAMBRICK is on the Wall at Panel 2E, Line 116
See the full profile or name rubbing for Harold Hambrick


02 January 2001

Sergeant Harold Michael Hambrick was my father.

He was killed on October 10, 1965 in An Khe, South Vietnam by enemy rifle. He was a member of Company A, 1st Battalion (Airborne) 12th Cavalry. My father served in the Marines and then in the Army. He spent his entire life serving this great country.

We think of him every day and thank him and the thousands of men and women who sacrifice every day to keep all Americans out of harm's way.

World War II

We love you Daddy.

Your Children,

Michael, Cathi, Ann and Danny


23 Nov 2004

To The Man I Never Knew - But Someday WILL.

I never knew you, never met you, but love you all the same. You were the best of the best. I've met many of your Army buddies and know you were loved by them and by US. God bless all who served or serve today.

Semper Fi, Grandpa!!!!!

From his grandson,
Michael Tyler Gladden


Notes from The Virtual Wall

On 10 October 1965, in "Operation Shiny Bayonet", the 1st Cavalry Division initiated their first brigade-size airmobile action against the enemy. A combined U.S.-South Vietnamese force attempted to trap elements of the NVA 325th Infantry (Song Lo) Division in the Suai Ca River valley about 275 miles northeast of Saigon near An Khe in Binh Dinh Province. The 1st Cav air assault task force consisted of the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 7th Cavalry; 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry; 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry and the 1st Battalion, 21st Artillery.

Eleven 1st Cav troopers died during the action:

SP4 Nestor L Argenzio SSG Theodore R Chambley SGT Harold M Hambrick
SGT William C Harper CPT Charles F Kane, Jr PFC Edward A Malewicz, Jr
PFC William R Romano SP4 Fred Toins PFC James C Ward
SP5 Gene W Williams PFC Terry T Wright  

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