Gordon Milton George, Jr
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Alamosa, Colorado
July 06, 1950 to June 09, 1969
GORDON M GEORGE Jr is on the Wall at Panel W23, Line 120
See the full profile or name rubbing for Gordon George


18 Oct 2007

Gordon was in high school in Alamosa, Colorado, when I moved there from Texas in '64. He was one of the crowd I hung out with. He made me feel welcome in a new town.

I lost contact with Gordon when I left for the army in '67, and after staying in Savannah after I got out of the army, I even became more removed from Gordon's life. I moved back to Alamosa in '74 and heard that some of the guys I had once known had died in Vietnam. Gordon's name was amongst them.

I recalled all the times we laughed and played around at school, particularly in crafts class. He had such an infectious laugh. I could not, and still can't, believe he died so young. I went to church with one of his sisters for a couple of years. She still felt the pain. You could see it in her face, and she never talked about him for any length of time because it was so painful.

I just found out recently that Gordon died in '69 just a month after being in country. I had just left the Cav a couple of months before he got there. I can't believe how close our paths came. He died while I was in Savannah just a month before another of our friends died over there not too far from where Gordon died. What a sad thing.

Well Gordon, rest in peace. See you later,
Mel "Tex" Chappell
C Co, 228th Avn Bn, 1 Cav


A Note from The Virtual Wall

B Company, 2/12th Cavalry, lost two men on 09 June 1969 - PFC Gordon M. George and CPL Hector M. Valentin-Perez of Rio Piedras, PR.

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