Jimmy Maryland Gardenhire
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Garden Grove, California
June 08, 1948 to April 21, 1969
JIMMY M GARDENHIRE is on the Wall at Panel W26, Line 19
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jimmy Gardenhire

Combat Action Ribbon
Jimmy M Gardenhire
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 5thmarines2.gif


Son of Bill M. and Pauline Lisby Gardenhire
Husband of Betty Guidry Gardenhire
Father of Paula Sue Gardenhire
Grandfather of Emily Rose Nobles



Unidentified Marine and Jimmy Gardenhire (holding rifle)


Jimmy Gardenhire as a baby.


United States Marine Corps
Basic Training Platoon 2062

I miss you and need you Daddy, why did this happen to you..?

09 Mar 2003

Pray for Emily and us.
Watch over Emily and me.
We need your prayers.
Help us. Tell Jesus we need a second chance.

And tell Nanny also, I love you all there.
Tell the story to the saints that are there.
I love you. And need you, so does Emily.

From his daughter and granddaughter,
Paula Gardenhire Nobles
Emily Rose Nobles

13 May 2007

Daddy, if you were here you could fight my battles and help me stand with you by my side, but you are in a higher place of battle now. So I am asking you to help your only daughter and child and grandchild to be together happy as God wants us to be, all your prayers didn't go in vain on earth for me and yours. Ask God to help us and bring us to that peace and happiness we so deserve. I love you and miss you and will look for you when it's my time to come home. And also I pray for Emily when it's her time to come home. Your death wasn't in vain, Daddy. We love you, and need you. I have all your things you wanted me to have, and I am proud to be your daughter so much. And Emily is so very loving like you are, and so kind and tender hearted like you. I want her to be like you. We love you.

From his daughter and granddaughter,
Paula Gardenhire Nobles

From his daughter and granddaughter,
Paula Gardenhire Nobles
Emily Rose Nobles

28 Sep 2004

Jimmy was the best punter that Carter Riverside High ever had. A good friend. He is missed.

From a friend,
SGM Larry C. Magers


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 1st Bn, 5th Marines' operations log for 21 April 1969 contains the following entry:

The five men killed in the engagement 2 kilometers west-northwest of the Liberty Bridge were

  • B Company:
    • Pfc Jimmy M. Gardenhire, Garden Grove, CA
    • Pfc Ralph R. Ochoa, Tucson, AZ
    • Pfc Richard H. Simonsen, Portland, OR
    • Pvt Stefan Malkut, Detroit, MI

  • H&S Company:

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