Jesus Maria Garcia
United States Marine Corps
Conejos, Colorado
May 03, 1932 to September 11, 1968
(Incident Date August 23, 1968)
JESUS M GARCIA is on the Wall at Panel W44, Line 24
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jesus Garcia

Combat Action Ribbon

09 Jan 2006

To My Father,

I am writing because you were a wonderful part of my life. You died when I was 12 years old. However, I have very vivid memories of you. I remember you mostly in your dress blues. I guess the reason for that is that you used to take us to the parade field (every Friday) to see the graduation at MCRD.

I remember little bits and pieces of facts about you. You used to come home during lunch time and eat standing up so that you wouldn't wrinkle your uniform. I remember the time and planning in September, October and November for the Marine Corp Ball(s) you used to take my mom to. She would always have her dresses custom made and she would look like a princess and you both were so happy.

I remember the last time I saw you. Mom and us four children drove you to Camp Pendleton to see you off. We got to the base so early that we had time to have lunch at the cafeteria. Mom took pictures that day. She was very quiet.

The last of the three times you were in Vetnam we used to send you care packages and write you letters. As a young girl I didn't think that all that we sent you was very important. I guess I believed that you were going to come home 'just like all the other times'.

Well, just thinking and missing you. However, now that mom has gone to heaven to be with you I know that you are both together - Boy, you waiting for her for 33 years. I know you are both dancing and without any pain or worry.

All my thoughts and love,
Your daughter,

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