Edwin Sidney Garber
United States Marine Corps
Seattle, Washington
July 13, 1945 to March 31, 1967
EDWIN S GARBER is on the Wall at Panel 17E, Line 78
See the full profile or name rubbing for Edwin Garber

Combat Action Ribbon
Edwin S Garber
3rdmaf.gif 3mardiv.gif 12thmarines.gif

19 Jan 1999


by a friend,

04 Nov 2003


by his daughter,
Laura Smith

08 May 2004

Vancouver Native Dies in Vietnam - Among the latest casualties of the Vietnam war was a former Vancouver resident, Marine Cpl. Edwin Sidney Garber, 21, who was killed Friday at Quang Tri, it was announced today. Garber was reported killed in action while serving as an artilleryman with Headquarters Company, M Battery, of the 12th Marine Regiment, Third Marine Division. He had been in the Marine Corps about four years and had been overseas about 13 months. Born in Vancouver on 13 Jan 1945, Garber attended John R. Rogers Elementary School and the old MacArthur Elementary Schools before moving to Burien WA in 1954. The Marine corporal is survived by his widow, Diane, and a daughter, Laura Ann, in Burien; his mother, Mrs. C. H. Garber of Burien; two sisters, Mrs. Joyce Singleton of Burien and Mrs. Flora Lee Dacus of Oxnard CA; and a brother in Vancouver, J. C. Garber of 817 E. 22nd St. Military funeral services will be held after the arrival of the body, but burial will not be in this area.

(The Columbian, Vancouver WA, 9 Feb 1968)

Edwin S. Garber Funeral - Funeral services for Marine Cpl. Edwin S. Garber, 21, of 13860 24th Ave. S., who was injured fatally 31 Mar (1967) in Vietnam when a gun exploded, will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at the White Center Funeral Home. Burial will be in Washelli. A native of Vancouver WA., Cpl. Garber came here in 1954 and graduated from Highline High School in 1963. He had been in Vietnam almost a year. He died the day before he was to have returned to the United States. Surviving are his wife, Diane; a daughter, Laura Ann, at the home; his mother, Mrs. Esther Garber, Seattle; a brothers, J. C. Garber, Vancouver, and two sisters, Mrs. William Singleston, Seattle, and Mrs. Gaylon Dacus, Oxnard CA.

(Evergreen Washelli, Seattle WA - Obituary Records)

Text and photo courtesy of
Darilee Bodnar

Faces from the Wall

27 Aug 2004

Eddie ... I will always love you

From his wife,
E-mail address is not available.

18 Sep 2004


Eddie was like a big brother to me and my little brother and to my cousin. He would take us places and let us be around him and his friend Kenny who was always with Eddie.

I remember when they came and told us about what had happened to Eddie and my mother just stood there and looked at me and told me go get my dad and tell him Eddie was killed, at that point they went and told my grandmother who was babysitting down the street. She came home and they called my aunt and told her the bad news.

They told us when Eddie would arrive home and on that day I waited until the hearse drove by with Eddie's body in it. As it did my brother and I stood there and said good-bye to him. I remember telling Eddie in a letter I sent to him in Vietnam that because of him when I was old enough in about 6 years I would also join the Marines at which time he wrote me back and said "SEMPER FI". He will always to me be my BIG brother. Semper Fi and rest in peace, Uncle!!

From his nephew,
Dennis Singleton


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The March 1967 Command Chronology for the 4th Bn, 12th Marines, contains the following entry:
"300157H [sic] - M/4/12 155 How (SP) blew up during a fire mission against the enemy. 3 KIAs and 3 WIAs were sustained."
The three men killed in the accident were The Command Chronology entry above contains a typographic error - the accident actually occurred in the very early hours of 31 March, not in the early hours of 30 March.

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