Michael Fleming Folland
Army of the United States
Richmond, Virginia
April 15, 1949 to July 03, 1969
MICHAEL F FOLLAND is on the Wall at Panel W21, Line 51
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Michael F Folland
usarv.gif 199infbde.gif 3rdinfrgt.gif

10 Jun 2008

I became acquainted with Mike Folland in September 1968 during Basic Training at Ft Benning, GA (First Training Brigade, Tenth Battalion, Company A). We were among many young men being molded into soldiers by some fine, if not a little sadistic, drill sergeants.

Mike stood out in a crowd; you could tell he was a natural leader, a quality that was recognized when he was assigned as our Basic Training Platoon Leader.

Mike was a strong, self confident, no-nonsense kind of guy, someone we all looked up to. He seemed mature beyond his years. While he could be gruff and coarse, he was always honest and up front. He counted few as true friends but his friends were loyal.

I never saw Mike after Basic Training. I learned many years later he died fighting in Vietnam. I was very surprised because I figured he could have survived anything. I was not surprised that he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers. For all his gruff detachment, his final act was to put others lives above his own.

I don't count myself among Mike's close circle of friends, and he probably would not have remembered me but I will never forget him.

From a fellow trainee at Ft. Benning,
Jon Pierce
1036 Bush Street, San Diego, Ca. 92103


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The MACV Summary for July 1979 contains the following entry for 03 July:

The US unit involved was D Company, 2nd Bn, 3rd Infantry, and the nine men killed in the action were

  • 2LT Robert A. Layton, Carneys Point, NJ
  • CPL Michael F. Folland, Richmond, VA (Medal of Honor)
  • CPL Robert A. Lewis, Moultrie, GA
  • SP4 Thomas N. Motto, Mineola, NY
  • CPL Bill H. Terry, Birmingham, AL
  • CPL Richard W. Felt, Maumee, OH, Medic, HQ Co w/ D/2/3 (Bronze Star "V")
  • PFC Darrell E. Nichols, Montgomery, WV
  • PFC Anthony E. Peterson, Mason City, IA
  • PFC Takeshi Sato, Port Hueneme, CA

The President of the United States
in the name of the Congress of the United States takes pride in presenting the


posthumously to

United States Army

for service as set forth in the following


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Corporal Folland distinguished himself while serving as an ammunition bearer with the weapons platoon of Company D, during a reconnaissance patrol mission. As the patrol was moving through a dense jungle area, it was caught in an intense crossfire from heavily fortified and concealed enemy ambush positions. As the patrol reacted to neutralize the ambush, it became evident that the heavy weapons could not be used in the cramped fighting area. Corporal Folland dropped his recoilless rifle ammunition, and ran forward to join his commander in an assault on the enemy bunkers. The assaulting force moved forward until it was pinned down directly in front of the heavily fortified bunkers by machine gun fire. Corporal Folland stood up to draw enemy fire on himself and to place suppressive fire on the enemy positions while his commander attempted to destroy the machine gun positions with grenades. Before the officer could throw a grenade, an enemy grenade landed in the position. Corporal Folland alerted his comrades and his commander hurled the grenade from the position. When a second enemy grenade landed in the position, Corporal Folland again shouted a warning to his fellow soldiers. Seeing that no one could reach the grenade and realizing that it was about to explode, Corporal Folland, with complete disregard for his safety, threw himself on the grenade. By his dauntless courage, Corporal Folland saved the lives of his comrades although he was mortally wounded by the explosion. Corporal Folland's extraordinary heroism, at the cost of his life, was in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.

Grave 846, Section H,
Glendale National Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia

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