Daniel Porras Flores
Army of the United States
Valentine, Texas
July 21, 1947 to November 27, 1968
DANIEL P FLORES is on the Wall at Panel W38, Line 73
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Daniel P Flores
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18 Apr 2006

Daniel was a native of Valentine, Texas which is in Jeff Davis County. The nearest town of any size is Fort Davis. The kids who lived in Valentine bused to school in Fort Davis. He was drafted into the service in early 1968 and started his tour in Vietnam in August 1968. He was killed three months later by an explosive device. He is remembered by the Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans' Memorial located in Midland, Texas. May his sacrifice never be forgotten.

From a PBVVM representative,
Billy M. Brown

01 Aug 2006

As a correction, Daniel is a 1966 graduate of Valentine High School. His senior class had seven students, and he was one of three boys.

Daniel attended Sul Ross State College and was engaged to Miss Lupita Corral of Van Horn, Texas. Daniel's father died when he was young and he was raised by his mother.

Daniel was killed when the munitions truck he was driving struck a land mine.

He is buried in Valentine, Texas. His mother lives in San Antonio and his only sibling, a sister, died within two years of his Daniel's death.

Daniel was posthumously given the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star, and the Republic of Vietnam Military Merit Medal and was promoted to Corporal.

From a PBVVM representative,
Billy M. Brown
4015 Melody Lane, Odessa, Texas 79762

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