Anthony Marian Firak
Army of the United States
Chicago, Illinois
July 22, 1944 to November 07, 1969
ANTHONY M FIRAK is on the Wall at Panel W16, Line 42
See the full profile or name rubbing for Anthony Firak

Anthony M Firak
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17 Dec 1998

Tony Firak, you will never be forgotten.

We all miss you.

3-6, 2nd-28th, Black Lions

Cris Thorne

6 Jul 2004

We were to get off line together. You woke me at 4 AM to say that you had to go out one more time. You never came back.

Ted Kaminski
Cheverly, Md

17 Apr 2007

To my uncle Tony, I'm proud to share your name.

Gregory Anton Firak
E-mail address is not available.

02 Apr 2008

To my Dear Brother Tony.
I miss you so much.
You will never ever be forgotten.
Thanks for bringing Tommy back to us.

This is an excerpt from an interview with Bishop George Packard.

On the platoon and the Wall:
Nothing has diminished the bravery and the camaraderie of those friends. I know one of those guys is dead. Six or seven of them were dusted off. One guy lost an arm. One guy lost an eye. One kid had a lower bowel wound. A great melancholy sweeps over me because I know how painful it was, particularly losing Tony Firak. I had just left the platoon. I was leaving country. The platoon had this reputation of being very effective in battle, no casualties, or casualties that wouldn't harm. We even had a guy get dusted off, and he came back. Tony was pulling immediate action on an M-60, and those things aren't worth the powder and shot to blow them apart. He sat up, and he got it in the chest. He's on the Wall now.

INTERVIEW: Bishop George Packard, February 14, 2003
ï¿ 1/2 2007 Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Reproduced under 17 USC ï¿ 1/2 107

From his brother,
Thomas Firak


A Note from The Virtual Wall

D Company, 2/28th Infantry, lost two men on 07 Nov 1969 - SGT Anthony M. Firak and PFC Gerald D. Johnson of Edgerton, MN.

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