Steven Glenn England
Army of the United States
Pocatello, Idaho
July 05, 1951 to February 15, 1971
STEVEN G ENGLAND is on the Wall at Panel W5, Line 106
See the full profile or name rubbing for Steven England

Combat Medical Badge
Steven G England
usarv.gif 101abnsm.jpg ARGT-75THINFANTRY.png

1 Jun 2001

This is a memorial page for Steve England. It is great to hear from people who knew him and were friends with him either in the service or before. It was wonderful having him in our family and we are forever grateful for the blessing he was and his memories live on.

A memorial initiated by his family.
E-mail address is not available.

God and the soldier, we adore
In time of danger, not before.
The danger over and all things righted,
God is forgotten, the soldier slighted.

Sergeant Steven England is remembered by his brothers in the
101st Airborne's LRRP/Ranger company

EnglandSG01d.jpg EnglandSG01e.jpg

06 May 2003

Went to school with him in Pocatello. I was in the 48th Assault Helicopter Company (Dong Ha). Many friends he had, many were lost and now forgotten.

From a friend and classmate,
Russ Cowley
Pocatello High School class of 1969!
CW4, U S Army (Ret)

26 Jan 2006

My name is Bob Clark. On May 18, 2006, I will be departing Ontario, California, with the "Run For The Wall" motorcycle group. I will be riding a "missing man" formation honoring Steven England, who is my wife Monica's [Lewis] cousin. I am looking for any information that anybody could give about Steven. Also, if you would like me to take anything to the Wall, in anybody's memory, I would be honored to do that. You can contact me at

From a relative's husband,
Bob Clark
17023 Abra Way, San Diego, Ca 92128


Notes from The Virtual Wall

Seven men died in the crash of a UH-1H helicopter (tail number 68-16554) from B Troop, 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry:
  • SGT James Paul Cobb, crew chief, B/2/17 CAV
  • WO1 Joseph Scott Burke, pilot, B/2/17 CAV
  • CW2 Richard Neil Concannon, pilot, B/2/17 CAV
  • SP4 Zebulon Murphy Johnson, Jr, gunner, B/2/17 CAV
  • 1LT James Leroy Smith, passenger, L Co, 75th Inf
  • SGT Steven Glenn England, passenger/medic, L Co, 75th Inf
  • SGT Gabriel Trujillo, passenger, L Co, 75th Inf
The UH-1, with four crewmen and medic SGT England aboard, departed Camp Eagle at approximately 1840 hours 15 February 1971 during a period of marginal weather on an emergency night evacuation mission. The pilot reported a ceiling of 300 to 400 feet and one-half mile visibility. Fifty minutes into the mission, a difficult extraction of the wounded man (SGT Trujillo) was made using a McGuire rig and the aircraft departed for Camp Eagle. [NOTE: A McGuire rig effectively is a stretcher lowered by cable; it dangles from the aircraft after pick-up.] 1LT Smith had volunteered as "bellyman" for the McGuire rig extraction.

The flight back to Camp Eagle was in instrument conditions. As the aircraft approached Camp Eagle, the pilot reported vertigo and turned control over to the copilot. A normal ground-controlled approach (GCA) was established with the aircraft proceeding inbound until about the three-mile point, where the aircraft descended below glide slope in a right turn and disappeared from the GCA controller's radar scope. At about 1952 hours the aircraft impacted nose-low, broke up, and burned. There were no survivors.

According to an informal report, the dangling McGuire rig had caught in trees and pulled the aircraft to earth.

From the VHPA database.

Visit John Dennison's
Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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