Ryland Whitney Drawdy
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Orlando, Florida
September 24, 1945 to August 18, 1965
RYLAND W DRAWDY is on the Wall at Panel 2E, Line 55
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ryland Drawdy

Combat Action Ribbon

29 Nov 2001

We will miss you forever.

A memorial from his Mother,
Irene D. Tschan

07 Jun 2007

Thank you for being our Daddy's friend over there, he said he never knew if you were kin. That was something you two were going to find out when you both got home. I guess now you both know if you are. May you both rest in peace. We love you.

Tammy Drawdy Johnson
daughter of MSgt William Andrew Drawdy USAF


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 2nd Bn, 4th Marines (2/4) arrived in Chu Lai in May 1965, but initial contacts with the enemy were minimal. OPERATION STARLITE, the first regimental-sized battle for American forces since the Korean War and the first major engagement for 2/4, was an assault against the 1st Viet Cong Regiment's positions on the Van Tuong Peninsula, 15 miles south of the Chu Lai airstrip. Three Marine battalions (2nd Bn 4th Marines, 3rd Bn 3rd Marines, and 3rd Bn 7th Marines) and supporting units were involved.

On 18 August 1965 Mike 3/3 approached the area on foot, while the remaining forces were landed by amphibious and heliborne assault. Hotel 2/4 was landed in the middle of the Vietcong 60th Battalion's position and immediately surrounded. Two miles north India 3/3 was heavily engaged by another VC battalion. 18 August cost the lives of 49 Americans, but set the stage for decisively defeating the 1st VC Regiment, killing 614 Viet Cong.

E Company, 2/4 Marines, lost two men in the fighting: Pfc Ryland W. Drawdy and Cpl Charles E. Iannuzzi of Elizabeth, NJ.

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