Jeffrey Bruns Dodge
Specialist Five
Army of the United States
Yonkers, New York
December 01, 1946 to April 25, 1970
JEFFREY B DODGE is on the Wall at Panel W11, Line 49
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jeffrey Dodge

Jeffrey B Dodge
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The Herald Statesman - Yonkers, NY
Wednesday, August 13, 1969
Jeffrey B Dodge

The Herald Statesman - Yonkers, NY - April 29, 1970


Sgt. Jeffrey Bruns Dodge, a 23-year-old Army engineer has become Yonkers' 22d Vietnam fatality only a week before he was due to be rotated home.

Sgt. Dodge, who lived at 34 Hillcrest Ave., had planned to marry Joanne Hannon of Cortland, N.Y. in June.

Sgt. Dodge, a 1968 graduate of Dubuque (Iowan) University, enlisted in the Army in October 1968. He was stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., until April 1969, when he was sent to Lai Khe in Vietnam.

Sgt. Dodge signed up to extend his stay in Vietnam rather than come home, take his 30-day furlough and then return to finish his tour of duty.

The young serviceman was scheduled to come home Monday, according to the family, and remained in Vietnam because he thought he was headed there to train the Vietnamese soldiers.

Henry Dodge, a brother, who is himself a Vietnam veteran, said that Jeffrey was "dedicated to the war effort. He believed in it." Miss Hannon added that her fiance was "more on the constructive end," building bridges and power lines.

Sgt. Dodge had shipped his gear home and was scheduled to return at the start of May. His family was notified of his death last Saturday. He died in a rocket attack.

Sgt. Dodge was born in Bronxville on Dec. 1, 1946, and attended School 13, Hawthorne Junior High School and Yonkers High School where he earned letters in swimming and tennis. At Dubuque University, from which he held a B.S. in mathematics and physics, he was captain of the tennis team.

Sgt. Dodge is survived by his parents, Henry Temple Dodge [Jr] and Marie Bruns Dodge; a brother, Henry Temple (Pete) Dodge III, of Rosemont, Minn; two sisters, Mrs. Dean (Cynthia) Abbot of Ossining, and Mrs. John (Melissa) Reinberger of Yonkers; two nieces, and a nephew.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete but a Mass of the Resurrection as yet unscheduled, will be offered at St. Peter's Church where

Sgt. Dodge converted to Catholicism last Christmas Eve. He had formerly been a member of St. Andrews Episcopal Church.

The Virtual Wall also determined that Jeffrey's brother Pete, was a Pilot who served in the Navy from 1962 until 1965. He served aboard the USS Ranger off Vietnam in February 1965. It is unknown where Jeffrey is buried.

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