Eddie Ray Derritt
United States Marine Corps
Leavenworth, Kansas
July 20, 1945 to May 03, 1966
EDDIE RAY DERRITT is on the Wall at Panel 7E, Line 19
See the full profile or name rubbing for Eddie Derritt

Combat Action Ribbon

14 Jan 2006

Eddie Ray had been in Vietnam over a year and was getting ready to go home soon when he came to me and asked me for a medicine to get rid of some white patches on his scalp. I was a Corpsman in A Company. I told him to forget about it, that I had wounded and really sick people to take care of and that so what?, everybody who had been over there any length of time had a little jungle rot. He said "Doc, how am I supposed to go back to the world and get over with the women with this?" and he angrily took off his cover (hat) and threw it on the ground exposing what was indeed a severe scalp condition. I got busy working the radios and messages with resupply runs going back to the rear to try and locate a medicine for him. After quite a while, I finally located a medicine that I could order through the division surgeon's office. I still remember the name of the medicine: Pragmatar. I put the requisition in. In the meantime, Eddie Ray went on the patrol that was to be his last before going home and it was on this patrol that he was killed in action. The Pragmatar finally arrived after news of his death. The world is a better place today because of men like Eddie Ray.

Donald Thompson
2101 Osprey Circle, Raleigh, N C 27615


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Two Marines from Alpha 1/9 were killed during a patrol on 03 May 1966: Cpl Eddie R. Derritt and Pfc Richard G. Engelman of Nogales, Arizona.

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