Michael Gregory De Marco
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Albany, New York
March 04, 1947 to April 11, 1968
MICHAEL G DE MARCO is on the Wall at Panel 49E, Line 20
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Combat Aircrew


Michael Gregory De Marco

Lance Corporal
VMO-6, MAG-36, 1ST MAW
United States Marine Corps
04 March 1947 - 11 April 1968
Albany, NY
Panel 49E Line 020

13 Oct 1998

There were about 7 of my brother's friends that went to Vietnam. They all graduated together from high school. Three of them were killed, one came home with a plate in his head and had to learn to walk and talk all over again and another got shot in the arm but luckily recovered. I was only 13 at the time that my brother was killed but I can remember vividly the day the Marine came with the telegram for my parents. I can remember when we heard his friend Rich Leahy was killed and also his friend Mike De Marco. I remembered wondering when is it going to stop? How could this happen with one small group of friends?

I pray every day that my daughter and son will never know what it is like to experience a war. I wonder how my mom and dad kept their sanity, you don't realize how important your children are to you until you have some of your own.

My mother, Dorothea Rockenstyre, has been the president of the local Gold Star Mothers organization in Albany, NY as well as the New York State President of the Gold Star Mothers. She stays very active in this organization to help her deal with the loss of her son. We are very proud that my brother wanted to serve his country. At the dedication of our local Vietnam memorial a reporter asked me what it was like to see my brother's name on the memorial, the only response I could think of was, obviously I wish his name wasn't there.

Thank you again for this memorial to the Vietnam vets that lost their lives. We miss them terribly but it helps to know that they will be remembered for their courage.

From Richard Rockenstyre's sister,
Ruth Santabarbara


The Mission

In the early morning hours of 11 April 1968, an H-34 helicopter of HMM-163 launched on a med-evac mission. The H-34 was escorted by two UH-1 gunship helicopters from VMO-6.

After picking up four wounded Marines from near Khe Sanh, the H-34 and its escorts proceeded toward Dong Ha. While enroute, a mid-air collision occurred between the H-34 and the lead UH-1 when the UH-1, which was in trail, came into contact with the H-34. Both aircraft crashed and burned near the abandoned refugee camp at Cam Lo. The casualties included

  • Aboard the H-34 (BuNo 145804):
    CAPT Eugene R Gannon, Pilot
    2ND LT John P Holden II, Copilot
    CPL John A Nixon, Gunner
    CPL Frederick D Graten, Crew Chief

    HN Frank P Addice, Corpsman
    CPL Robert W Belcher
    PFC Dennis R Davidson
    PFC Richard E Erwin
    PFC Charles R Finley

  • Aboard the UH-1E (BuNo 154968):
    CAPT Bruce F McMillan, Pilot
    1ST LT Ronald E Riede, Copilot
    CPL Paul J Allen, Crew Chief
    LCPL Michael G De Marco, Gunner
From the
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