Robert Degen
Army of the United States
Buffalo, New York
April 03, 1936 to January 08, 1971
ROBERT DEGEN is on the Wall at Panel W5, Line 33
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Degen

Combat Infantry Badge
Robert Degen
usarv.gif 5infdiv1.gif 77tharmrgt.gif

8 Aug 2004
I was in the same unit as Major Degen, stationed in Quang Tri, Vietnam.

I was in the barracks several rows over the night the Major met his fate. I remember that night like it was yesterday. I experienced several fatalities during my tour in Vietnam, and I'll have to say because of the way the Major lost his life, that night was probably the lowest of my tour.

Robert Degen, Thank You for the opportunity to know you.

Your children must be near or in their 40's by now. One can only hope that their mother had the strength some 30+ years ago to mentally prepare herself for the future, as so many Vietnam widows did.

Here's hoping the Good Lord took a liking to you and your family.
May God Bless them wherever they may be.

Robert Degen, Panel 05W, Line 33
May you rest in peace
You will not be forgotten.

From a unit member,
Dennis Withers 


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Robert Degen was graduated with the Class of 1958, U S Military Academy, and was serving his second tour in Vietnam; his first tour was as an advisor with the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, in 1964-65. In January 1971 he was serving as the Operations Officer (S-3), 1st Bn, 77th Armor. During his two tours he earned the Combat Infantry Badge, the Bronze Star, the Air Medal, and the Purple Heart.

Remembrances of Robert Degen may be found in several places on the Internet, and there's a common theme to them: in each instance, he is remembered as one of the "good guys", liked and respected by his peers and juniors.

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