David Lee Davis
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Waterloo, Iowa
January 29, 1950 to March 20, 1969
DAVID L DAVIS is on the Wall at Panel W29, Line 87
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Combat Action Ribbon
David L Davis
3rdmaf.gif 3mardiv.gif 4thmarines.gif

02 Apr 2008

It's hard to picture you as anything but nineteen years old, although being your younger brother I know you are much older than that. I love you and I miss you every day of my life. Not having you around to argue with, to fight with, to throw things at, to laugh with ... to cry with ... has left an enormous hole in my life and the lives of all your friends and family. Love ya, bro.

From his brother,
Daniel Davis


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Operation PURPLE MARTIN was a multi-battalion search and clear operation in the area west of Khe Sanh. PURPLE MARTIN began on 23 Feb 1969 and ended on 08 May. During PURPLE MARTIN a decision was taken to reopen Fire Support Base ARGONNE on Hill 1308, located about 2 kilometers from the Laotian border and 13 km south of the DMZ. FSB ARGONNE would allow observation of NVA operations in Laos, provide a base for infantry operations against infiltration routes leading to the A Shau Valley, and provide an artillery base in westernmost South Vietnam. The 1st Battalion, 4th Marines were charged with taking FSB ARGONNE via air assault on 21 Mar 1969.

The first casualty in the assault on FSB ARGONNE wasn't a Marine - he was an Army helicopter pilot. B Company, 101st Aviation Battalion, was tasked with landing a recon team from the 3rd Recon Battalion to "scope out" FSB ARGONNE before the assault elements were landed. The recon team arrived at 0930 - and had a very warm welcome from entrenched NVA troops. The 3rd Recon report reads in part

"1. Recon Team: FROST BURN (3A1) (5 MEN) OPO 142-D 69 200930H at XD676574. Team on two helos, one helo set in landing zone. 3-4' from ground command detonated mine exploded, helo landed rocking back and forth. At this time helo received heavy automatic weapons fire killing the pilot and wounding the co-pilot. The team evacuated the helo and set up 360 [degree perimeter] to return fire..."
The eight surviving men from the downed helo fought off three NVA assaults before being extracted under fire at 1010 - but they had completed their mission. LtCol George T. Sargent, commanding 1/4 Marines, now knew his men were going into a hot area.

Delta 1/4 led the assault, arriving at a second LZ somewhat lower on the hill (the upper LZ was fouled by the downed Army Huey) at 1030. Delta 1/4 was under fire from the moment they arrived, but had the advantage of air support from rotary and fixed-winged aircraft. The landings continued, with LtCol Sargent and his command group arriving at 1045. By 1340, Delta 1/4 had secured FSB ARGONNE, although enemy fire from positions to the north and southwest continued. At this point, 5 Marines had been killed and 6 wounded. At 1830, a Delta 1/4 patrol sent out to clear snipers ran into heavy opposition and had 2 KIA and 4 WIA before withdrawing to allow air strikes into the area. Delta 1/4 established a night defensive perimeter and awaited a counter-attack ... but none materialized.

At 0820 on the 21st, the Marines received 82mm mortar fire with the first round killing LtCol Sargent and 2ndLt Carl R. Wilson (the Battalion Intel Officer) and wounding several other command group personnel. The senior officer on-scene, Major H. E. Pierpan, took command and initiated aggressive patrols to clear the area around the FSB perimeter. Although sporadic enemy mortar and sniper fire continued the NVA did not mount an assault. Alpha and Charlie 1/4 were brought in on the afternoon of 21 March, and FSB ARGONNE was secured.

Over the next few days the 1/4 Marines patrolled an ever-expanding area, destroying NVA emplacements and killing a number of NVA troops - but not without cost to themselves. By month's end, 21 Americans had died at FSB ARGONNE:

  • G Btry, 3rd Bn, 12th Marines
  • B Co, 101st Avn Bn (UH-1H 68-15340):
    • WO Vaughn D. Connell, West Islip, NY (03/20/1969)

  • A Co, 1st Bn, 4th Marines
    • Sgt Leonard W. Labowski, San Francisco, CA (03/25/1969)
    • Pfc James E. Brannon, Milwaukee, WI (03/25/1969)
    • Pfc Jack D. Carter, Scottsdale, AZ (03/25/1969)
    • Pfc Donald R. Glass, Citrus Heights, CA (03/28/1969)
    • Pfc Avey Presley, Elizabeth, NJ (03/25/1969)
    • Pfc Lorne J. Wilson, Rockville, MD (03/28/1969)

  • D Co, 1st Bn, 4th Marines
    • 2ndLt Michael P. McCormick, Wellston, OH (03/20/1969) (Navy Cross)
    • LCpl Max I. Baer, Goshen, IN (03/20/1969)
    • LCpl Steve E. Byars, Lorida, FL (03/23/1969)
    • LCpl Ernest F. Elders, Shelby, NC (03/20/1969)
    • Pfc Norman E. Beck, Rockford, IL (03/23/1969)
    • Pfc Jeffrey S. Forry, Marion, OH (03/20/1969)
    • Pfc Larry W. Knox, Harrisonville, MO (03/20/1969)
    • Pvt James C. Reed, Los Angeles, CA (03/20/1969)

  • H&S Co, 1st Bn, 4th Marines
    • LtCol George T. Sargent, Auburn, AL (03/21/1969) (Navy Cross)
    • 2ndLt Carl R. Wilson, Washington, DC (03/21/1969)
    • Sgt Dennis M. Orbino, Syracuse, NY (03/25/1969)
    • HM3 David D. Overstreet, San Angelo, TX (03/23/1969)
    • Pfc David L. Davis, Waterloo, IA (03/20/1969) (Bronze Star "V")

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