Alfred John Davies, Jr
Army of the United States
Detroit, Michigan
February 19, 1947 to July 29, 1968
ALFRED J DAVIES Jr is on the Wall at Panel W50, Line 29
See the full profile or name rubbing for Alfred Davies

Alfred J Davies
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I was an enlisted man who served with Company C 2/12, 1st Cavalry in Vietnam in 1968-69. On July 29 1968 Sgt Alfred J. ("Bud") Davies Jr., was killed in action. Bud Davies was my squad leader and my friend. I have included my recollections of the action.

The names of all men lost on the field of battle that day are:

Bud Davies had arrived with C Company in May 1968 after having gone to NCO school. What he lacked in experience he made up for in commitment and courage. The last thing Bud said to us after the trap was sprung and as we moved to assist 1-6 was "don't mull this over in your mind because if you do those guys aren't going to make it out."

I am leaving this message so that people reading these words today; ten years from now; a hundred years from now can understand what happened on the morning of July 29, 1968. Our people were ambushed on a jungle hilltop. Sergeant Davies led his squad on what was essentially a rescue mission. His squad was not the element initially ambushed. He knew the risks when the call came to advance. I think about that.

Jerry Tausz    

OTHER MEN KILLED: C Company, 2/12, 1st Cavalry Division, 29 July 1968
1LT D. G. Orvis SGT W. O. Pack SGT T. A. Robinson

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