Larry Edward Curry
Army of the United States
Front Royal, Virginia
September 19, 1944 to July 15, 1968
LARRY E CURRY is on the Wall at Panel W52, Line 34
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Larry E Curry
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Larry E Curry


16 Oct 2004

Larry was an easy goin' guy who loved his smoke. He'd do anything you'd ask him to do.

He helped me the first couple of times I was on guard duty. I was in country only 2-1/2 days pullin' guard duty with him the night the POL dump was hit.

He explained the yellow tracers from the ground goin' up and the red tracers from the sky comin' down. He said: "Don't worry, Snoopy is there to protect us." That was one of the planes that had mini guns.

Everyone knew he was getting short but he still had guard duty. There was a lightning storm and he was standing on two stacked CONEX storage boxes some 25 feet in the air. He was struck and killed by lightning only 5 days before he could go back to the world.

I really felt he shouldn't have been sent over to Vietnam as he wore coke-bottle thick glasses. But the draft board was sending anyone to Nam. I think about him often but it took an old friend to help me find him.

I'll see you at the Wall.

Glenn DeVolder
P. O. Box 64, Paradise, Montana 59856

09 Feb 2006

Larry was my natural brother and best friend. We use to play Tarzan-like, fish, swim, dive and boat down the Shenandoah River, Front Royal, Va, regardless the weather conditions. One day (Larry was 15) during a thunder and electrical storm, he showed no fear. As the storm consumed, we continued fishing until, with a 15 foot boat pole, I attempted to pole-vault across a fast and rising creek flowing into the Shenandoah River. The pole slipped and down I came dislocating my right knee at impact and was rapidly flushed into the middle of the river. I called out to Larry for help but he laughed, thinking I was kidding because he knew I was a good swimmer. I was saved but that is another story. Not only brave, Larry was also accomplished in music (writing, guitar and harmonica) and a very good pool player. We were pen-pals and had made all kinds of plans for when he came home. I was the last of the family to see Larry alive (another story) and I miss and revere him dearly.

Not only a good brother, a good person. His only fault was playing pool with a cigarette dangling. Later on, one of my dauthers was born on Larry's birthday. In loving memory, brother Rod.

From his brother,
Rodney Curry

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