William Thomas Cumbie
United States Marine Corps
Jacksonville, Florida
August 03, 1949 to February 09, 1969
WILLIAM T CUMBIE is on the Wall at Panel W33, Line 92
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Combat Action Ribbon
William T Cumbie
3rdmaf.gif flc-usmc.gif 1mpbn-mc.gif

William T Cumbie


10 Jan 2006

To my forever friend, Tommy! You will always be remembered.

Tommy's smile would light a room!
He was a wonderful friend.
I will always treasure the memory of his friendship.
He was proud to be a Marine.
He was also proud of his Scout Dog, Bruno, who uncovered many Viet Cong tunnels.
He gave his life as a point man on February 9, 1969.
He sacrificed his life to save the lives of his fellow Marines.
Although he did not receive it, he is a Medal of Honor recipient in my book!

From a friend,
Ernestine Bell Papovitch
E-mail address is not available.

08 Jul 2006

Tommy also earned the Bronze Star with Combat "V" while in Viet Nam. I would like a family member to contact me.

From a Marine veteran, 1st FSR,
Mike Fishbaugh

18 Apr 2007

Cumbie and I went through training together at Fort Benning and went to Vietnam together. We sometimes do not understand what the plans of God may be, but I have this assurance: That Cumbie and all the brave Marines of 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines who gave the ultimate sacrifice are at rest in the congregation of the righteous with the Lord. To God be the glory and may He always bless the Corps.

From a fellow Marine,
Ronald P. Roane


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Pfc William T. Cumbie was assigned to the 1st Scout Dog Platoon but was serving in the field with India Company, 3/3 Marines. The 3/3 Command Chronology notes that an India 3/3 squad patrol was fired upon by VC, killing the point and slack men. One VC was killed by the other Marines in the squad. Pfc Cumbie was awarded the Silver Star for his actions in the engagement. The second Marine was Lance Corporal William R. Prom of Pittsburgh; his actions warranted a posthumous Medal of Honor.

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