James Patrick Crawford
United States Marine Corps
Fullerton, California
December 12, 1947 to May 26, 1968
JAMES P CRAWFORD is on the Wall at Panel W66, Line 2
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Crawford

Combat Action Ribbon

18 Nov 2004

Just wanted you to know, Pat, that you're not ever forgotten. You were a good friend, just wish it could have gone on a lot longer here. See you again one day.


From a brother in arms,
Michael F. Smith

10 Jun 2005

JP, I was with Kilo 3/3 on the day you died. Our company (Kilo) was making a support manuver to yours (Mike). During that fight there was a lull in the shooting and I along with some other Marines from Kilo were dispatched to recover some Marine KIA from your Company. All I can recall from that horrible day was that I and my fireteam leader recovered four KIA's from Mike Company and carried them as best we could for there was sporadic shooting still going on. We took those remains and left them with other Mike Company KIA's and WIA's at the hastily setup evacuation site for field removal for further processing to Medical or Graves Registration. Now (10 June 2005) as I sit here with my PC on this site, I vaguely recall your name. It could have been possible that your remains was one of the ones we carried back to the evacuation site. But let me say this James, that I have not or ever will forget that day we lost you and our other Marine Brothers, you gave your life so that other Marines could continue the fight and you have my utmost respect and honor, always.

I've attended 3/3's bi-annual reuions in 1998, 2000 and 2004 and I want you and your relatives to always know that we survivors from 3/3 recall your name, friendship and loyalty to us, your fellow Marines, your Corps and your country. Know that we carry your memory in our hearts and minds and as for me that shall remain so until I am no more.

From a fellow Marine Brother (Kilo 3/3 3rd MarDiv Dec '67-Aug'68,
A. J. Ramirez
Sgt, USMC (Ret)
138 W. Marion Street, Clute, Texas 77531-4114


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Heavy fighting was the norm throughout Quang Tri Province during the spring of 1968, particularly in the west around Khe Sanh and along the DMZ border to the east. During the period 22 through 28 May the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, lost 42 Marines and sailors in action, with 21 of the losses coming on a single day - 26 May. Corporal Crawford was one of three men from Mike 3/3 killed in action on that day:
  • H&S Company:
    • HM2 Thomas W. Peterson, Lake Wells, FL
    • Cpl Randall W. Kelpine, Milwaukee, WI
    • Cpl William B. O Halloran, New York, NY
    • LCpl Wilbert W. Cuch, Springville, UT

  • I Company:
    • LCpl Lester Erby, Clarksdale, MS
    • Pfc Rudy Cardenas, San Antonio, TX
    • Pfc Ralph A. Gearheart, Crestline, OH
    • Pfc Larry Jones, Gary, IN
    • Pfc Thomas Murrin, New York, NY
    • Pfc Ray L. Penland, Seadrift, TX
    • Pfc De Wayne M. Selby, Bismarck, ND
    • Pvt Kenneth E. Bradley, Nashville, TN
    • Pvt Richard L. Incrocci, Madera, CA

  • K Company:
    • LCpl Hercules L. Moore, Brooksville, FL
    • Pfc Otis L. Allen, Steele, MO
    • Pfc Michael J. Gardner, Minneapolis, MN
    • Pfc Martin J. Grace, Topeka, KS
    • Pfc Leroy Pegross, Port Arthur, TX

  • M Company:
    • SSgt Raymond I. Garcia, Hayward, CA
    • Cpl James P. Crawford, Fullerton, CA
    • Cpl Craig B. Holt, Woonsocket, RI

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