John Thomas Corle
United States Marine Corps
Pitcairn, Pennsylvania
December 29, 1941 to December 08, 1965
JOHN T CORLE is on the Wall at Panel 4E, Line 1
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Corle

Combat Aircrew
John T Corle
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13 Jul 2003

On the morning of December 8, 1965, three HMM-364 UH-34s were assigned to fly a logistical mission from Ky Ha to Da Nang, 47 miles up the coast, and return. The weather was poor and deteriorated throughout the flight to Da Nang but the flight itself was unremarkable. The three aircraft loaded stores and departed for Ky Ha. "Tail-end Charlie" was UH-34D BuNo 145768, flown by

  • Capt. James E. Givan, Pilot
  • 2ndLt. William T. Holmes, Copilot
  • Sgt. Gerald V. Glenn, Crew Chief
  • Cpl. John Thomas Corle, Gunner
The deteriorating weather, with low clouds and 35-knot winds off the sea, forced the flight to proceed at low altitude - about 200 above the heavy surf along the beachline. About eight minutes north of Ky Ha the flight came under fire from the beach. Givan's engine quit, and he had insufficient altitude to establish a proper autorotation to a water landing. The aircraft hit heavily just offshore, rolled inverted, and began to sink. All four crewmen were able to escape the aircraft, but only three were rescued from the heavy surf (accounts of the rescue are on the HMM-364 site . Corporal Corle was lost; his body was never found.

Ardara Area Marine Missing

An area Marine, Cpl. John T. Corle, 21, was reported missing at sea off the coast of Vietnam, according to word received from Washington by his wife, Mrs. Janet Hopkins Corle of Ardara. He has been missing since December 8, 1965.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corle, 242 Greensburg Pike, Turtle Creek, formerly of Trafford, was scheduled for discharge in March 1966.

He attended Gateway Senior High School before enlisting in the Marine Corps. After boot camp at Paris Island, S.C., he was stationed at Memphis and then went to Okinawa and later was sent to the Dominican Republic during trouble there.

He and his wife, the former Janet Hopkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins, were married August 14, 1965 and after a brief honeymoon, he left August 20 for California before being sent to Vietnam. He was based there at Chu Lai with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 364.

Photo and obituary
courtesy of his squadronmates.

John Corle, and the other Purple Foxes who served in Vietnam, are remembered by the women who waited at home, whether wifes, mothers, sisters, daughters, or friends. Those women, the

Purple Foxy Ladies

continue to support today's Purple Foxes of HMM-364 as they serve our country.

the Purple Foxes

on-line or go to our unit page
on The Virtual Wall

A memorial initiated by the
Purple Foxy Ladies

care of Frank Gulledge

13 May 2005

This was my uncle, he saved my mother's life on many occasions in their childhood. I never got to meet him, but I heard so many great stories about him and we have all the great pictures of him. My mom almost cried when she realized they had something like this online. It made her so proud and happy that people recognize her brother that she loved so very much. I know if my Grandmother was still alive (she believed until her dying day that her boy was going to come home) she would be overjoyed to see something like this. It's making her proud. My uncle always thought that my mom was so beautiful, and I look a lot like her, and he had told my mom that he married his wife Janet because he thought that she looked like my mom. I really think this is a great memorial and I really appreciate it.

From his niece,
Jenny Perez

PS - I just wanted to say that my uncle didn't go to Gateway High School. My mother did, but when he was in school it wasn't built at the time. He actually went to Trafford High School.

27 Jan 2006

I have his MIA bracelet and have worn it for 8 years now. I never looked it up until now. Very interesting... keep looking.

Tyler Keck
552 Minard Run Road, Bradford, Pa 16701

09 Feb 2007

I have Corporal Corle's MIA bracelet also. I've also worn it for 8 years. I've done some research on him and have some information, although I would like to know MUCH more! An interesting note: my father was a Chopper pilot and flew with HMM-364 for a while. Semper Fidelis!

Pete Vas Dias
3074 Audrey Drive, Coplay, Pa, 18037

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