William Stephen Clark
United States Marine Corps
Eau Gallie, Florida
November 07, 1946 to July 28, 1968
WILLIAM S CLARK is on the Wall at Panel W50, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Clark

Combat Aircrew
William S Clark
1stmaw.gif mag16.gif hmh463.gif



A soldier's Mother worries when he goes to war.
She wonders if he is safe and happy,
or if she will see him any more.

She knows he doesn't want this war,
But she can also realize
He's fighting for a freedom,
This freedom is their Lives.

I don't want this War,
But people hear my voice;
I'm fighting for something special,
My Mother's right of choice.

So if I should die in combat,
Mother, please don't weep;
For I would rather die protecting you
Than die while I'm asleep.

If God should take me unto him,
During hate, hostility and war,
Remember, Mother, I love my country,
But I love you even more.

Written by
William Stephen Clark
in VietNam March 1968

Killed in VietNam July 28,1968



You're the uncle I never knew,
Knowing they killed you makes me blue,
When I see the wall it makes me cry,
And I wonder why you had to 'DIE'?

I don't know why your life ended that way,
Why couldn't they let you stay?
One day I know that we will meet,
And that will fill my last heartbeat.

You died for us, and that I trust,
My family misses you, you bet I do too,
even though I never knew you, I do.

Written March 1998 by Steve's niece
Amber Leigh Mraz
12 years of age


You're still my hero, big brother. I love and miss you daily, will see you in heaven.

Until then,

Forever your lil sis


12 November 2001

Steve, Thank you for loving us enough to serve your country. You are still a part of my life, you live on through your nephew who looks a lot like you and has a lot of your qualities. He even wanted to be a Marine, but his grandmother did not want to lose another Steve... so he protects us as a Firefighter/EMT. We have two Heroes named Steve. Be ready with a hug when I get there!


16 Jun 2005

On my first visit to the Wall I was asked to look up a name for a man who works at my school. The name given to me was "William S. Clark". I have heard many great stories about William and I am honored to have found him on the Wall. My friend and I wrote him a letter of thanks and let him know his old friend said "Hi". The man at my school was supposed to be on the plane that crashed and killed William and his crew; instead he was asked to do work elsewhere that day and is still alive today. I am very lucky and honored to have heard stories about William, and I would like to thank him for all he's done. I looked up pictures of the Wall on the internet and found a picture of 49W ... You could see 1/2 of 50W and the line where William's name is located, but you couldn't see his name. Maybe I'm wrong, but I looked at this as a way of him saying hi, like he was letting us know that he remembers. Every time I go to the Wall I am going to look up William's name and thank him as well as all the other names.

from a friend of someone who knew him,
Ashley Venia
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Corporal William S. Clark was one of five men of HMH-463 killed when their CH-53A Sea Stallion (BuNo 153284) went down:
Further information is available on the
Pop-A-Smoke Site .

These men, and others of the squadron,
are remembered by their squadronmates on the
HMH-463 site .

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