Robert Malcolm Christian, Jr
Second Lieutenant
United States Marine Corps
Boulder City, Nevada
May 15, 1945 to April 11, 1969
ROBERT M CHRISTIAN Jr is on the Wall at Panel W27, Line 55
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Christian

Combat Action Ribbon

16 Oct 2001


I might forget you, but I kinda doubt it. Your namesake lives on.

Rest in peace, old friend.

Semper Fi,
Bill Ager

From a fellow platoon commander,
William C. Ager
10080 Gathright Valley Ct., Mechanicsville, Va 23116

5 Jul 2002

I am proud to have served with Lieutenant Christian. He was a fine officer and a good man. What a loss, as were all of our loses. Lieutenant Christian signed the adoption papers for my two daughters, he is now and will always be missed.

Lance Corporal Marvin R. Thomason

25 Mar 2005

I was there the day he gave his life for his country, and I will always remember him for his leadership and unselfish desire to protect his men from the enemy. Rest in Peace.

Richard Miles

02 Aug 2006

I am moved that so many people carry my brother's memory with them. As much as the manner of his death has been remembered, so should the way he lived his life. He has been described as "irreverant, cocky and bright." He was also the kindest, most patient person I have ever known. I welcome contact from those who knew him.

From his sister,
Jan Christian
937 Vallecito Drive, Ventura, California 93001

30 Jul 2007

Bob and I were best of friends at Quantico and tried to get assigned together on arrival in Viet Nam. He wanted Recon, so we both volunteered. Fate drew my name and not his and we could not retract, so off he went to 7th Marines instead of me. We were going to go to Sydney together in June for R&R. How I wish Bob had made that trip.

Bob spent Thanksgiving with my family in Ohio in 1968. I am proud to claim him as a friend and will always remember him as the officer and gentleman he was.

Rest in peace, my friend.

From a friend,
Capt. H. L. Klein, USMC, 1st Recon Bn, Danang


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3/1 Marines' Command Chronology for April 1969 contains the following entries for 11 Apr:
"110730H Kilo Company platoon while checking out possible enemy firing positions was pinned down with small arms fire and automatic weapons fire from heavily bunkered NVA at BT027606 resulting in 2 USMC KIA and 4 USMC WIA.

"111055H While reinforcing pinned down platoon Kilo Company employed tanks to destroy bunkers at BT028602. Tank destroyed bunkers with 6 90mm. Tank and small arms accounted for 12 NVA KIA."

The two Marines from Kilo 3/1 who were killed in the action were platoon leader 2ndLt Robert M. Christian and LCpl Johnnie L. Anderson of St Paul, Minnesota.

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