Anthony Joseph Caraccilo, Jr
Army of the United States
New York, New York
December 08, 1950 to February 19, 1971
ANTHONY J CARACCILO Jr is on the Wall at Panel W5, Line 120
See the full profile or name rubbing for Anthony Caraccilo

Anthony J Caraccilo
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19 Oct 2006

I grew up with Anthony. In 4th grade, we were amongst those told to just move our lips during a school concert - we both couldn't sing too well. I was home on leave when he picked me up hitchhiking. He said he had boosted his draft - college wasn't for him. We were both in Nam at the same time and corresponded. He was up by the DMZ and I was in the Chu Lai area. The last letter I got from him spoke of a ChiCom grenade coming in and landing right next to him. Luckily, he said, it was a dud. No more letters after that until I heard the bad news from my Mom in a letter. Years later in a college speech class, I eulogized him.

Thanks, Anthony, for your friendship! Rest in peace!

From a friend,
Frank Mezzanotte


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 19 Feb 1971 a patrol from Delta Company, 1/11th Infantry, was moving along the slopes of Hill 918, northwest of Khe Sanh, an area heavily infested with NVA troops. A scout dog team was with the infantrymen. The patrol had two separate engagements separated by about 400 meters. In one, four infantrymen were killed; in the other the dog and her handler were killed. Although the sequence is not known it seems likely the dog alerted the patrol to NVA troops, was killed in the first exchange, and the second action followed as the patrol pursued the enemy. The US dead were
  • 43rd Infantry Platoon (Scout Dog)
    • CPL Clifford W. Marshall, Richmond, KY
    • Heidi, Scout Dog

  • D Co, 1st Bn, 11th Infantry
    • SGT Charles T. Matthews, Huntsville, AL
    • SGT Lyle E. Smith, South Whitley, IN
    • CPL Anthony J. Caraccilo, New York, NY
    • PFC Robert L. Dalton, Grand Rapids, MI

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