Luis Barron Campos
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Bay City, Texas
August 25, 1948 to April 13, 1968
LUIS B CAMPOS is on the Wall at Panel 49E, Line 39
See the full profile or name rubbing for Luis Campos

Luis B Campos
armyseal.gif usarv.gif ABDE-1STSIGNALBDE.gif

BC Soldier Dies of Viet Injuries
The Daily Tribune
Monday, April 15, 1958
Bay City, Matagorda County, Texas

The Vietnam war claimed its eighth Matagorda County resident Sunday when Spec. 4 Luis B. Campos, 19, died from non-hostile injuries.

Campos is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Campos of Bay City. The Army notified Campos' parents at 6 a.m. today that their son had died at 5:30 a.m. Sunday at Phu Lam, South Vietnam.

An Army official said Campos fell from a building.

A 1966 graduate of Bay City High School, Campos was serving as a teletype operator at Phu Lam. He had been in Vietnam since June, 1967.

Funeral services are pending at the Bay City Funeral Home.

Survivors include his parents: two sisters, Mrs. R. G. Boss of Fort Rucker, Ala., who is serving in the Army there, and Virginia Campos of Bay City; three brothers, Joe Campos, John Campos and Marcario Campos, all of Bay City.

The family has requested that in lieu of flowers, Masses be offered for their son.

Luis Campos Funeral Set For Tuesday
The Daily Tribune
Monday, April 22, 1968
Bay City, Matagorda County, Texas

Funeral services for Spec. 4 Luis B. Campos, 19-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Campos of Bay City, will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Bay City.

Campos died April 15 from non-hostile injuries while serving with the U.S. Army at Phu Lam, South Vietnam. An Army official said Campos fell from a building.

A Bible service will be held at 7:30 tonight at the Bay City Funeral Home Chapel. Father R. J. Jeffery will officiate at the Bible service and the funeral Mass.

A 1966 graduate of Bay City High School, Campos was serving as a teletype operator at Phu Lam. He had 37 days remaining on his tour in Vietnam at the time of his death.

His parents have been notified that their son has been awarded the Purple Heart, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal and the National Defense Medal.

Survivors in addition to his parents include two sisters, Mrs. R. G. Boss of Fort Rucker, Ala., who is serving in the Army there, and Virginia Campos of Bay City. Also three brothers, Joe Campos, John Campos and Marcarcio Campos, all of Bay City.

The family requests that Masses be offered for their son as memorials.

Placed by a member of the Matagorda County Historical Commission.
E-mail address is not available.

SP4 Luis Campos is remembered by his brothers in the
Phu Lam Signal Battalion

31 Oct 2006

I knew Luis Campos as a young kid growing up in Bay City. He was a good kid. He was honest and trustworthy all of his young life as well as I can remember. He came from a good family that loved him very much. I know that he is still missed today by his family. I never met him any where that he did not have a smile on his face.

From a friend,
David A. Estrada

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