Dennis Arnold Calton
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Baraboo, Wisconsin
November 09, 1947 to March 11, 1971
DENNIS A CALTON is on the Wall at Panel W4, Line 37
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dennis Calton


03 Jul 2008

Den, you were a great older brother. We had our fights and we had our laughs and you were the one who convinced me to become an engineer. You were the one I went to when I wanted to get into mischief. Sometimes you helped me and sometimes you talked me out of it. I guess that's what big brothers do for their pesky little sisters. You are even the one that gave me my nickname or "Rance".

I have read things written about you by other people and talked to Peter Gould who was with you when you died. I remember you as the boy who took his little sister to the store and who told me which guys I could and couldn't date and taught me how to develop pictures in your dark room and took me star gazing to teach me the constellations and showed me how to make a necklace out of a rock we polished together and you were even the one who had to dive into the lake to retrieve my eye glasses when I lost them so Mom wouldn't skin me alive.

Those other people remember you as the leader who kept them safe and shared their fears and loneliness in a far-away place. I remember you as the older brother of us four younger kids. Still others remember you as boyfriend, son, and champion of their cause.

Just know that a lot of people do remember you and miss you. You may have left this earth, but you are in our hearts always.

Your little sister, Rance

Janice Czaplewski

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