William Timothy Bushey
United States Marine Corps
Mahopac, New York
November 22, 1948 to September 15, 1969
WILLIAM T BUSHEY is on the Wall at Panel W18, Line 88
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Bushey

Combat Action Ribbon

20 Mar 2002

I will forever love you and miss you.

June Pymm Furst
E-mail address is not available.

31 Dec 2005


by a brother-in-arms,
William Rister (Doc)
207 Doucet Street, Welsh, La. 70591

13 Sep 2007


by a childhood and life-long friend,
Randy Tompkins
P. O. Box 12, Rte 6N, Mahopac Falls, N Y 10542


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Operation IDAHO CANYON was a two-month search and destroy mission in an area roughly bounded by the DMZ on the north, Highway QL-9 on the south, Con Thien on the east, and Khe Sanh to the west. The terrain was rugged, the hillsides jungled, and the North Vietnamese Army was present in force.

In mid-September, 3rd Bn, 3rd Marines was operating predominantly along the Cam Lo River valley which ran northwest from Highway 9 into the DMZ between Mutter's Ridge and Hill 1739 north of Khe Sanh. Their Command Chronology for September 1969 contains the following entry:

"15 Sep 0830H - In the area of XD950261 elements of Co K were ambushed by a reinforced NVA platoon. The enemy used 30cal machinegun, AK47s, ChiComs [grenades], RPGs, and Claymore mines hung in trees. Forty-five minutes after contact, the unit began receiving 60mm mortar rounds for a period of 4 hours, totalling 50 rounds. The unit pulled back and called in artillery, 81mm mortars, gunships, and fixed wing. Results of the contact were 8 NVA KIA, 4 USMC KIA, and 36 USMC WIA."
The death of Petty Officer Sickles is missing from the account, raising the toll to five dead:

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