Walter Dennis Buschleiter
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Detroit, Michigan
August 14, 1945 to July 04, 1967
WALTER D BUSCHLEITER is on the Wall at Panel 22E, Line 122
See the full profile or name rubbing for Walter Buschleiter

Combat Action Ribbon
Walter D Buschleiter
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09 Nov 2005

Walter (who we called "Bush") and I served with C Company 1/9 in 1965 and 66. He was killed shortly after arriving on a second tour.

Dick Stanley


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In late June 1967 NVA activity had increased around An Hoa. At 1035 on 03 July Vietnamese civilians reported that 200 NVA troops were moving toward a position at Nong Son held by Fox 2/5; a mortar section from 3/11 Marines; a searchlight section from G Btry, 29th Artillery; and guns from Btry E 2/11 Marines. The observed NVA forces were taken under attack by supporting arms and apparently dispersed, but not all of the NVA hed been detected - and just before midnight on 03 July they attacked the Nong Son position.

The first warning was from a Fox 2/5 listening post downhill from the main positions. In three rapid transmissions beginning at 2327H, the LP Marines reported

   "I have movement to my front"
   "They're all around me"
   "We've been overrun"

Shortly thereafter the main positions came under heavy mortar fire, followed by ground attack. Within minutes, Echo 2/5 was directed to begin a night march from its position to reinforce Fox 2/5. In confused hand-to-hand fighting, the Marines and soldiers were partially pushed from the hilltop before regrouping and advancing against the defensive positions which had been taken by the NVA. Echo 2/5 arrived at about 0045 04 July and assisted in clearing the hilltop and slopes of NVA. Supporting arms fires harrassed the NVA troops as they withdrew from the Nong Son perimeter. By 0200 the hilltop was secure. When the battlefield was swept at daybreak, 39 NVA bodies were found - but 12 Marines and 3 soldiers had been killed in the action:

  • 107 Mortar Btry, 3rd Bn, 11th Marines
  • G Btry, 29th Arty Rgt
    • SP4 Andreas Mc Curry, Pontiac, MI
    • SP4 Waylen L. Powell, Lubbock, TX
    • PFC Arnold R. Palmer, Independence, IA

  • F Co, 2nd Bn, 5th Marines
    • Sgt Tony Ahinzow, Chicago, IL
    • LCpl James E. Ball, Newport News, VA
    • LCpl Joseph L. Hicks, Yardville, NJ
    • LCpl Arthur Lanteigne, Detroit, MI
    • Pvt Andrew Currie, Brownsville, TN
    • Pfc Melvin E. Newlin, Wellsville, OH (Medal of Honor)

  • H&S Co, 2nd Bn, 5th Marines (with Fox 2/5)
    • LCpl Walter D. Buschleiter, Detroit, MI
    • LCpl Raymond L. Hyson, Schenectady, NY
    • Pfc Ronald D. Reyes, Edison, CA
Taken from the 2/5, 2/11, and 3/11 Command Chronologies for July 1967

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