John Larue Brim
Staff Sergeant
United States Air Force
Princess Anne, Virginia
April 19, 1942 to March 29, 1967
JOHN L BRIM is on the Wall at Panel 17E, Line 66
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Brim

John L Brim
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25 Dec 1998

My Dad was a loadmaster on an AC-47 gunship, which was shot down during hostilities.

23 Aug 2004

I would be interested to hear from anyone related to any of his crew members.

From his son,
John Norton


Notes from The Virtual Wall

In early 1967 night attacks on isolated hamlets and outposts were a continuing problem. The AC-47 gunships were very effective in providing cover - they could stay on station a long time and had immense firepower - but their very effectiveness made them a high-priority target for the NVA and Viet Cong forces.

On the night of 28/29 March 1967, a "Puff" gunship (AC-47D tail number 44-76534) of the 4th Air Commando Squadron detachment at Danang was dispatched to help defend an outpost near Hoi An, about 10 miles south of Danang. The aircraft's crew consisted of

  • Capt William H Hosea
  • Capt Herbert C Rice
  • Capt John B Cabana
  • SSgt John L Brim
  • SSgt James L Fields
  • TSgt Guy J Brungard
  • A1C Robert E Ruonavaara
The aircraft arrived over target and established its orbit, but was hit by intense automatic weapons fire and crashed a few miles from Hoi An. All seven crewmen died in the crash.

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