Edward Joseph Brewer
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Elmira, New York
May 08, 1946 to February 06, 1968
EDWARD J BREWER is on the Wall at Panel 37E, Line 50
See the full profile or name rubbing for Edward Brewer

Combat Action Ribbon
Edward J Brewer
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 7thmarines.gif

20 March 2001

I knew Joe all my childhood life and heard he was the glue that held his unit together too. I can truly believe it. He was a born leader and a friend to all that knew him. What a terrible loss to humankind.

27 Jan 2002


By Robert F. Howland Jr. (TSGT. USAF AND USAFR, Former)
Copyright 2001

I grew up with this soldier. As kids, we played cowboys and Indians, had snowball fights, and generally drove all our neighbors and moms and dads crazy with our antics. I remember the summer nights spent looking through a telescope in my buddy's backyard when we were kids. When we became men, our country called us to support a war by enlisting in all the services. We kids now went to war in a foreign land, for a country that was, and is, considered a grateful nation. I enlisted in the USAF, and Joe, after a year of college, the USMC. The only regret I have is that we never got a chance to get together again.

When it was all over, and everyone was back home, our addresses changed.

I now live in Pennsylvania, and he lives on Panel 37E, Row 50. I wrote this tribute to him:

"I'll never forget you, Buddy. I remember when we wondered how far away the stars were. Now, they are your front yard. You no longer need that telescope to see them. It's the angels' gain and our loss, a big loss. I was in-country before you, but only gave up a little time. You gave the ultimate. We are eternally grateful. The memories of growing up will always be there, and one day, maybe we can meet in your front yard. So long, Buddy. Bob H."

He was 21 when he was taken from us mortals. He died with four other men, four other buddies, in Quang Nam, that morning February 6, 1968, during the TET Offensive. I am sure they are all keeping those stars shining brightly. Please, let us never forget the 58,000+ men and women living at the same address as my Buddy,
LCpl. Edward Joseph Brewer, KIA.


A memorial initiated by his "adopted" brother,
Robert F. Howland Jr. (former TSgt, USAF, USAFR)
25 Big Elk Drive, West Grove, PA 19390, USA

01 April 2001


Five men of Alpha Company, 1/7th Marines, died in a firefight on February 6th, 1968.

One of them was my brother,
PFC William L. Young.

The others were

PVT William H. Blake LCPL Edward J. Brewer
SGT Robert E. Ewoldt PFC Randall J. Schwendy

God rest their souls.

Visit my memorial to them


From one who remembers,
Judy Green

26 Oct 2004

Freedom's Price

My brother, Marine Corporal E. Joseph Brewer, died at the age of 21, on February 6, 1968 in Vietnam. He died because he volunteered to help free other Marines caught in cross fire from the enemy. About seven years ago, his commanding officer called to tell me many wonderful things about Joe. He told me that Joe died in his arms and that he had a difficult time getting the rest of his men to continue on as they were overwhelmed by Joe's death. They named their camp after Joe.

Joe has received many local honors, especially from his two alma maters. Notre Dame High School named their stadium after him, and Corning Community College honored him and placed a plaque for him at the college. He was honored in so many ways because of the way he lived his life before he went off to war in Vietnam. Joe was a caring guy who would help anyone who needed him.

Joe was awarded a Purple Heart and many other combat medals. He and the other men and women who died or suffered injuries in Vietnam are the real heroes of that war. Joe wrote to us from Vietnam, "I would rather fight here than on our shores."

Freedom isn't free. We have to keep earning it and make sacrifices.
God Bless America.
- Mary Kay Brewer Robinson -

From his sister,
Mary Kay Brewer Robinson

07 Feb 2007

My father was Edward Joseph Brewer's brother. I was named in memory of LCpl Brewer. Although I never knew "Uncle Joe", I have been told many great stories about him. I am very proud of what Uncle Joe gave for his Country. I am also very proud to be named after such a great person and hero in my mind.

I am proudly serving my Country as a Special Agent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I serve my Country proudly and respectfully remember all the great men and women who have served our Country. I especially honor my uncle, my hero, Edward Joseph Brewer.

Special Agent Joseph E. Brewer


A Note from The Virtual Wall

By 06 Feb 1968 the Tet Offensive was in full swing, with heavy fighting throughout South Vietnam. In Quang Nam Province, the 1/7 Marines were deployed against NVA/VC forces attacking the Danang/Marble Mountain complex.

The Communist forces began the second phase of their Da Nang offensive on the night of 05/06 Feb . 1/7's involvement began at 2000 05 Feb, when Charlie 1/7 engaged an NVA force south of the Tuy Loan River. Fighting continued throughout the 1/7 area of responsibility, and 24 hours later had resulted in the deaths of 16 men from 1/7 Marines:

  • A Company:
  • B Company:
  • D Company:
    • Pfc Joe W. Greene, Canton, OH
    • Sgt Glen T. Lunsford, Danville, VA (Navy Cross)
    • LCpl Ronald E. Morris, Sandston, VA
    • LCpl Phillip L. Salinas, Leoti, KS
    • LCpl Gary L. Tallentire, Cincinnati, OH
    • Pfc Robert H. Taylor, Birmingham, AL
    • 2ndLt Henry A. Wright, Oakland, CA

  • H&S Company:
    • HM3 Larry W. Stull, Fostoria, OH (Corpsman, D/1/7)
    • Cpl Jonathan E. Sykes, Trenton, NJ

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