Michael Hugh Breeding
First Lieutenant
United States Marine Corps
Blue Rapids, Kansas
March 19, 1945 to February 12, 1970
MICHAEL H BREEDING is on the Wall at Panel W14, Line 130
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Breeding


Veterans' Day 2003

Michael Breeding
was a wonderful man
from a small town in Kansas.

He is not forgotten.


A Note from The Virtual Wall


On 12 February 1970 an F-4B (BuNo 151454) of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122, based at Chu Lai, failed to return from a mission near Quang Tri. The MAG-13 Command Chronology for February 1970 contains the following entry:
"On the 12th of February, VMFA-122 was flying a section TPQ with Quang Tri ASRAT. When the second aircraft attempted to get into position, it descended into an overcast and contact was lost. The pilot and his radar intercept officer have been declared MIA."
Oddly, the pilot's casualty record is coded as an operational accident, while the radar intercept officer's record is coded as a combat loss. In any case, the bodies of the two crewmen were not recovered:
  • 1st Lt Michael H. Breeding, pilot
  • 1st Lt Robert S. Bradshaw, radar intercept officer

The photo of BuNo 151454 was taken at the Naval Air Station Atsugi, Japan, before the squadron returned to Chu Lai in September 1969.

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