Ronald Lee Brashears
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Stanberry, Missouri
November 06, 1948 to June 05, 1969
RONALD L BRASHEARS is on the Wall at Panel W23, Line 70
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Ronald L Brashears
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1 May 2003

I was Ron's fiance. I will never forget "one in a million", his perpetual smile, wonderful sense of humor, and his last letter. I shudder to think of the horrors he was enduring as he wrote that letter; far off in a foreign land and in a hospital of sorts, knowing that his end was near. I hope it gave him some semblance of peace. I pray he knew his family and loved ones were always with him. Not physically, but in spirit. I hated the war because it took him away, but I am so proud of him and others who gave the extreme sacrifice so we may enjoy freedom. It has been thirty four years since I saw his face, heard his voice, felt his touch, but I will never forget... Rest in peace; now and forever.

From his fiancee,
Mary Ann Patrick
E-mail address is not available.

12 June 2003

To those who did not know Ronnie, he was just a kid. He was the one I clowned around with in grade school. He was the one that Dad wanted me to stay away from because "He'll never amount to anything". He was always the one cutting up in class and the one who quit school just because.

Ronnie was the one who got into some kind of trouble and was told to serve time or go to the army. He chose the army. Ron made it through basic training while the rest of us just lived our lives dating the girls and having fun.

The day Ronnie left Stanberry I saw him atThe CO-OP station and he was all fired up, "Going to kill some gooks".

Ronnie never came home except in that damn box!

Dad was wrong, Ronnie IS a HERO!

Every year on Decoration Day I visit Ronnie, and hurt inside. I am crying for him now. When I put the single flower on Ronnie's stone I remember the kid from Stanberry, Missouri, that died a hero.

Ron, I love you and when this life is over we will have some more fun like we did as kids, but untill then I'll remember you and your smile at the CO-OP and pray for you.

Billy Coverdell

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