Larry Hansen Bowen
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Penns Grove, New Jersey
January 30, 1951 to June 07, 1969
LARRY H BOWEN is on the Wall at Panel W23, Line 96
See the full profile or name rubbing for Larry Bowen

Combat Action Ribbon

Larry was killed by enemy mortar fire only hours after reporting in to Hill 37.

Larry Bowen Killed In Vietnam Battle

Larry H. Bowen, 18, son of Harry Patterson Bowen, Pennsville-Auburn Rd., Penns Grove, died Saturday in a battle field in Vietnam. His death came BowenLH01t.jpg nine days after he arrived in the war theater.

Bowen, a member of the U. S. Marines, was killed in action while fighting to hold a defensive position 14 miles outside Danang. He was assigned to a rifle company.

The family received the first letter he had written after arriving in Vietnam just Monday morning. The letter was brief and commented that it was "very hot" and that the homes were unbelievably poor. Monday night they were notified of his death by a visit by a Major McKenna from Camden who explained some of the circumstances. A telegram was received Tuesday.

Bowen attended Harmony School in Penns Grove and Penns Grove High School. After two years of high school he enlisted in the Marine Corps and was inducted November 18, 1968. He was home once after that, on a three week leave in April.

The marine is survived by his father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Bowen; three brothers, Harry A., 22, who is in the Navy and now enroute to Florida aboard the USS Rosevelt (sic); David, 19, in Bath, N. C., and a step brother, Glen, 5, and a step sister, Karen, 8.

The older brother, Harry A., was notified of the death by telephone on Tuesday.

Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

From a newspaper clipping, source unknown.

Read about Larry Bowen's death and his return to Delta 1/7 in

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