Roy Robert Booth
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Killeen, Texas
November 20, 1947 to May 27, 1967
ROY R BOOTH is on the Wall at Panel 20E, Line 128
See the full profile or name rubbing for Roy Booth

Roy R Booth
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19 Oct 2001

Roy R. Booth enlisted in the Army on June 25th, 1965 at Fort Hood, Texas, where his father, Maynard C. Booth, was assigned as a First Sergeant with the "Hell on Wheels", 2nd Armored Division.

He went to basic training at Ft. Polk in Company B, 2nd Battalion, 2 Brigade, where he qualified Sharpshooter with the M14 rifle. He then went to Ft Knox, Kentucky for Advanced Individual Training to be a Tracked Vehicle crewman with Company F, 4th Bn , 1st Brigade.

Roy served in Korea from November 22, 1965 to December 21, 1966 with Company C, 2nd Battalion, 9th I.D. as a rifleman and as an armored personnel carrier driver. During that time, he was promoted to PFC in March, 1966 and then frocked to Specialist 4th class in June, 1966 due to his leadership in the unit, and the needs of the Army.

After his tour in Korea was over, Roy was sent to Ft Belvior, Virginia, where he spent the next few months believing he was not doing his part for his country. Because of that, Roy volunteered to go to Viet Nam.

Roy arrived in Viet Nam on May 06, 1967. He was Killed in Action on May 27, 1967 securing a landing strip. He was 19 years old.

From his sister,
Cathie Loftin

26 Oct 2005

I was at his side
on the pitch black night
he died.

From his platoon leader,
Walter Allen Twyford

16 Feb 2006

I didn't know Roy but still feel the bond that we who have been through combat hold so close to the heart because "There but for the grace of God go I". My deepest sympathies and condolences to the family and you can always remember he's a hero to more than just the family. Larry

From an RVN Vet,
Larry Shatto

Remembered by his fellow soldiers of the
35th Infantry - the Cacti Regiment

Photo courtesy of the 35th Infantry Assn

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