Steven Henry Bennefeld
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Girard, Kansas
December 24, 1947 to July 29, 1967
STEVEN H BENNEFELD is on the Wall at Panel 24E, Line 15
See the full profile or name rubbing for Steven Bennefeld

Combat Action Ribbon

11 Dec 2000

I've worn Steven's MIA bracelet since buying it in front of the wall in 1990. I will wear it as along as is needed, because every man and woman who fought in the Vietnam War or any other war should be remembered for their bravery. Whatever happened to Steven, he died in service to his country and no one should ever forget that.

A memorial from one who wears his MIA bracelet,
Catharine J. Hunter


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In late July 1967, the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines, undertook a battalion-sized reconnaissance in force into the Demilitarized Zone dividing North and South Vietnam. The Marines' target was a North Vietnamese Army division which had set up housekeeping within and immediately south of the DMZ - and on 29 July the Marines found the enemy at Thon Cam Son, some 5 kilometers northwest of Con Thien.

The resulting fight inflicted hundreds of casualties on the NVA, but not without cost: 31 Marines died in the fighting:

  • C Co, 3rd Antitank Bn - 3 dead
  • C Co, 3rd Eng Bn - 3 dead
  • E Co, 2nd Bn, 9th Marines - 9 dead
  • F Co, 2nd Bn, 9th Marines - 6 dead
  • G Co, 2nd Bn, 9th Marines - 5 dead
  • H Co, 2nd Bn, 9th Marines - 2 dead
  • H&S Co, 2nd Bn, 9th Marines - 3 dead
Pfc Bennefeld was with Golf 2/9. Other members of the company saw PFC Bennefeld stand upright in the face of heavy enemy gunfire in order to better take the attack to the enemy. According to these witnesses, Bennefeld was brought down by small arms fire, apparently hit in the upper torso. His unit was forced to withdraw until reinforcements arrived. When the Marines cleared the battlefield, Steven Bennefeld was not found.

PFC Bennefeld's remains have never been found.

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