Myron Stanley Beach, Jr
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Elmira, New York
September 03, 1937 to July 10, 1967
MYRON S BEACH Jr is on the Wall at Panel 23E, Line 40
See the full profile or name rubbing for Myron Beach

Myron S Beach
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3 Mar 2005

Myron and I served together with the 5th Special Forces on an "A" team in Tan Phu 1963-64. He taught me as the kid on the team, the finesse of pinochle and cigars. He was a true born leader and loved the Airborne. He left SF because he always wanted to be a squad leader in combat. He achieved it with the 173rd Airborne Brigade. He left a wife and two children. Butch and I had a great time together on our first tour and I will never forget him. My children presented me a few years back with the "Veteran at the Wall" drawing dedicated to Myron. It hangs proudly in the entranceway of my home. He is also remembered with a plaque at my VFW hall in Calabash, NC. God rest my cigar chomping buddy.

Ray Ketcham


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 4/503rd was rapidly deployed to the Central Highlands after the Battle of the Slopes. On 10 July, moving up Hill 830, A Company came under intense fire from an entrenched Viet Cong main force battalion. On 12 July, after taking the hill, D Company discovered a single network consisting of 60 bunkers with supporting foxholes. In short order, two more bunker complexes were discovered.

The fighting on 10 July cost 25 American lives; eleven of the dead were from A Company, 4/503rd:

  • 1LT Daniel W. Jordan, Griffith, IN (Dist Svc Cross)
  • SFC Myron S. Beach, Elmira, NY
  • SGT David P. Crozier, Baltimore, MD
  • SGT William J. Deuerling, New Smyrna Beach, FL
  • SP4 Roger W. Clark, Pittsfield, VT
  • SP4 Arthur A. Erwin, Eugene, OR
  • SP4 Oris L. Poole, Screven, GA
  • SP4 Walter A. Samans, Richmond, VA
  • SP4 Franklin S. Shepherd, North Wilkesboro, NC
  • PFC John C. Borowski, Chicago, IL (Dist Svc Cross)
  • PFC David H. Johnson, Jonesboro, AR

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