Michael Louis Antle
Army of the United States
Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 28, 1948 to May 06, 1970
MICHAEL L ANTLE is on the Wall at Panel W11, Line 108
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Antle

Michael L Antle
usarv.gif 101abnsm.jpg 501infrgt.gif

04 Aug 2006

Panel 11W - Line 108
For the Uncle I never knew.
This is in memory of you.

From his nephew,
Mitch Antle
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 06 May 1970 Fire Support Base Henderson, about 9 nautical miles south-southwest of Camp Carroll, was occupied by elements of the 2nd Battalion, 501st Infantry, as well as artillerymen. FSB Henderson came under attack, first by heavy mortar fire, then assault by a North Vietnamese Army battalion. When Henderson was relieved 30 American servicemen were dead and two were missing.

Charlie Company had two dead - SP4 Antle and a medic, SP4 Melvin Bowman of Iva, SC. Both men received posthumous promotions to Sergeant.

The two missing men were E Company's SP4 Refugio T. Teran, Westland, Michigan, and A Company's PFC Larry G. Kier of Omaha, Nebraska. Both men were carried as Missing in Action, and promoted while in that status, until the Secretary of the Army approved presumptive Findings of Death for them. And so matters stood for three decades.

FORMER MIAS LAID TO REST - Spc. Refugio Teran and Pfc. Larry Kier, both listed as missing in action from the Vietnam War 32 years ago, were laid to rest in Arlington Cemetery on April 19.

Both soldiers were members of the 101st Airborne Division stationed at Fire Support Base Henderson in Quang Tri province in South Vietnam. When their base was overrun on May 6, 1970, only Teran and Kier were unaccounted for of the 32 Americans killed. Their bodies were discovered in 1993 and sent to the U.S. Army's Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii where they were identified. The families were informed on January 15, 2002.

From ARMY Magazine for June 2002

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